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I can't sleep.

I haven't been able to get Sunny's words out of my head.

"I think I love you."

What the hell is that supposed to mean... Does he actually like me back? HE SAID THINK.

Oh my god, just get out of my head Sunny, please. I wish I'd talked to Hero about this, if only I wasn't so stupid. Although, he said I can always text him whenever I needed him. Maybe I should. Nah, it's too late isn't it?

I ended up going with my idea to call him, and so I clicked on his contact and called him... late at night. He's probably sleeping but who cares! College kids can just drink 12 cups of coffee and can feel energized again.

I patiently wait thinking he wont pick up. To my surprise, he did.

"Uhh Kel, why are you calling so late?"

"Sorry Hero!! I have a SUPER BIG EMERGENCY and I need your help."

"...What's up?"

"So... I... I...... IthinkSunnyconfessedhisfeelingstomeandIdon'tknowwhattodoI'mpanickingrightnowwhatif–"

Hero cuts me off, "Woah woah woah, Kel slow down a bit. Why are you panicking?"

"I think Sunny confessed his feelings to me and I don't know what to do. I think I messed up and chickened! Ughh, what if he hates me for not saying anything! What should I do?!"

"I'm sorry, you think he confessed to you?" Hero replied, not realizing what I just said.


"Wait," Hero continues, "HE CONFESSED TO YOU?"

"YES I SAID THAT ALREADY! Keep up with me."

"WAIT WAIT, so, what are you gonna do!?" Hero asks.


"Oh uh, what am I gonna do...? PLEASE HELP ME!"

"Talk to him!!" Hero yells.

"NO... I can't, there's no way. I'd rather 'Kel' myself, than talk to him about–"

"But weren't you going to tell him tomorrow? Weren't you gonna confess to him?" Hero questions.

"Well I was! But, I would've had everything planned out! I DIDNT THINK HE WOULD SAY SOMETHING SO SOON..."

"I mean that is very surprising, Sunny of all people telling you that."


We take a pause to rethink our thoughts.

"I think you should just talk to him, Kel. Tell him in return, how much you like him, it'll be okay if you're honest with him," Hero reassured me, "Anyways, it's very late either way. I need to sleep."

"Yeah, you're right, thanks for helping me, and goodnight!"

And so, we ended the call. Unfortunately, this didn't help me sleep at all. I mean, talk to Sunny? How am I gonna do that after what happened...?

I know!! I wont go to school tomorrow, problem solved!!!

...If only it was that easy, Mom would kill me if I didn't go to school. She told me before that she didn't want me missing any days from school.

In the end, I just try to sleep.



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