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I wake up, confidently as ever. I have the feeling today is going to be a good day, or a potentially scary day...

After telling Basil I like Sunny, I can't help but feel my life is in danger. Especially with Aubrey being involved.

I finish my morning routine, say goodbye to Sally and Mom, who surprisingly woke up earlier than normal, and head out the door.

I eagerly wait for Sunny to come outside his house.

I like the fact we have a routine going on, it helps me be organized since... I'm not the most... responsible person. And this also gives me a chance to be with Sunny, but its no big deal!

Sunny walks out his house, finally.

No offense but I tend to wake up early just to be able to catch up with Sunny, and just for him to take forever and leave me waiting is a little overwhelming, but it's ok really.

"Good morning Sunshine!" I say to Sunny.

"Sunshine?" Sunny asks.

"W-Well y'know, Sunny and Sunshine, it's a good nickname isn't it?" I smilingly ask him.

"I... suppose", Sunny says while laughing to himself quietly.

"Heyy!? What's so funny? It wasn't meant to be a pun!" I say.

"Nothing it's just, its cute," He says. "Sunshine... it's a creative nickname."


Did Sunny really just... say my nickname for him was cute?

OMG YES LETS GO! Honestly Kel, I couldn't be more proud of you! Thanks Kel! I'm so smart sometimes it's unbelievable.

I'm talking to myself now...

"Oh, haha I came up with it on the spot!" I tell Sunny.

"Typical Kel, I thought so," Sunny says smiling.

"Hey Sun-Sunshine? You should smile more often!" I say to Sunny, I mean Sunshine.

"Wha...? I should?" Sunny questions.

"Well yeah! You look so much cu–HAPPIER! You look so much happier!" I say panicking.

"Well I suppose so... Do I really look that emotionless?" Sunny asks.

"Nooooo...! Not at all," I say unconvincingly.

It sorta came out sarcastically, It wasn't my intention but Sunny didn't seem to question it.

Finally we're here... I'm not ready for the day to start but I literally have no choice in this!


I walk into class with Sunny and I see Basil signaling us to a couple of seats next to him and Aubrey.

I'm slightly scared... those two can be scary sometimes, especially together.

"H-Hi guys," says Basil.

"Hey Sunny! Hey Idiot!" Aubrey says.

"I'm assuming I'm Idiot...?" I ask Aubrey.

"I mean who else would you be, Sunny? This is why I called you an idiot Kel," Aubrey tells me.

Basil has a face of awkwardness as he tells us to sit down. Then suddenly his expression does a 180° and starts laughing quietly to himself.

"What's so funny?" I ask Basil.

"Do you always walk with Sunny everyday to school?" asks Basil quietly trying not to get Sunny's attention.

At the End of the Week - {Suntan}Where stories live. Discover now