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I wake up quickly and rush my morning so that I can be up and ready for Sunny. There's just something about walking to school with him every morning that, makes me happy. I'm not good at keeping routines but this routine, I can definitely keep.

I happily wait for Sunny to come out his house. As time goes on, he still hasn't made an appearance.


It's usually me who's always late. I slowly walk to his front door, and gently knock on it.

"Hey Sunny!" I say, "It's Kel. Uhm, are you ready? It's getting a bit late now."

I start to get anxious. Is he okay? He didn't do this the past few days.

Then suddenly, to my relief I see the doorknob turn. Behind the opened door was Sunny. He seemed unusually tired.

"Sorry Kel, I overslept," Sunny said briefly.

"What made you oversleep?" I asked him.

Sunny didn't respond. It seemed he had trouble trying to tell me the cause.

"Ah, its okay! You don't have to tell-" I say but Sunny immediately cuts me off.

"It's... Mari," Sunny says, "I had a nightmare of her."

"Oh, I'm really sorry Sunny..." I tell him.

Sunny doesn't respond, he just walks out the doorway and makes it to the sidewalk. He looks like he wants to cry.

Poor Sunny... I hope he feels better. I know how hard Mari's death impacted all of us, Sunny had to go to therapy to help him cope with her tragedy.

I remember he used to carry a notebook around with him, with a scary figure of a ghost with one eye drawn in it. I've always wondered if it symbolizes anything.

Anyways, I follow shortly behind him. I feel the need to cheer him up but I don't know how. Maybe I should...

Without thinking I stop walking, Sunny notices so he stops as well. Sunny has a confused look plastered all over his face, until I came closer and...

...hugged him.

Sunny quickly looks up at me, "Huh... Kel what are you doing?"

I notice his face reden, but I didn't care. I just want him to know that it's always safe to vent about his issues with me. I'll always try my best to make him feel comforted and loved.

"Sunny, if it really bothers you, you're always welcome to talk about it. I just want to make sure you're feeling okay, you're my best friend Sunny, I care a lot about you. If something is bothering you, please tell me," I say suddenly realizing that I'm practically forcing him to tell me, "U-Unless, y'know y-you don't want to."

Sunny stayed silent, he looked like he was in shock. Until he said, "Thank you Kel, you're too kind. I'll tell you everything during lunch."

"But the others," I tell him.

"Make up an excuse," Sunny says briefly.

He didn't tell me anything else but I think I have a somewhat idea of what he's telling me.


During class, me and Sunny separate with each other. He went to go talk with Basil, instead of me. Well!! Not that it matters anyway, he did say he would talk to me at lunch, it's no biggie.

Aubrey notices this and leaves her group to talk with me.

"Hey Kel, why the long legs?"

"I think you mean long face?" I correct her.

At the End of the Week - {Suntan}Where stories live. Discover now