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Alright Kel, today's the day.

Rather, it WAS supposed to be the day I would tell Sunny my feelings. How can I even tell him that... he basically already did my job for me. Not complaining though!

Suddenly, a shout from downstairs brings me out of thought, "Kel, you have a visitor!"

"Okay Mom!" I reply.

Imagine if it's Sunny at the door... BETTER NOT BE.

As I go down the stairs, I think the worst. I repeat the words; please don't be Sunny please don't be Sunny pleeease don't be Sunny...

To my surprise its Aubrey. Better than him I suppose...

"Hey Kel, you ready?" Aubrey asks.


"YES NOW! It's now or never. I didn't wake up this early just for you not to go through with the plan!"

"But I still haven't eaten..."

"Kel you nincompoop! I mean I haven't eaten either but...–"

"What is this plan you two are speaking of?" my mom asks.

Me and Aubrey stand there nervously. My mom already thinks that Aubrey is a bad influence on me, and I've never told her that I like Sunny... let alone anyone, and I never will. Even if we get married I'll never tell her. Wait...

"O-oh, we...– we were planning something special for Sunny coming back!" Aubrey answers in the most innocent voice ever... It's disgusting the way she said all of that.

"Oh how sweet of you Kel," my mom advised me. "Aubrey would you like to join us for breakfast?"

WHAT, eww I don't want Aubrey's girl germs in my house. She will not stay here for breakfast.

"Yeah Aubrey, pleeeease!!!"

"If you don't mind, Kel's mom?"

"Of course not!" my mom replies.

"Hmph, you got lucky this time," Aubrey whispers to me.

"Aren't you also lucky? You haven't eaten yet."

"True..." Aubrey murmurs, "Hey where's Hero, he should be here too right?"

"Yeah he's here but I-D-K where he is."

"..... You did NOT just say 'I-D-K'."

"That's Kel for you..." Hero says while walking into the living room.

"Hey Hero, how's college going?" Aubrey asks.

"Oh.. it's going okay..."

"That wasn't very convincing bro."

"I know..."

"Well hopefully it your day brightens up. Kel is FINALLY gonna do it!" Aubrey exclaims.

"Huh, you're still gonna confess to Sunny?"

"What do you mean... of course he is?"

"I thought Sunny ruined your plan–" I stop Hero in his sentence. I never told Aubrey and Basil what really happened on Thursday...

"Ahaha... it's okay guys! I'll still tell Sunny!" I say.

"... Kel what happened?" Aubrey asks.

"You didn't tell her?"


"Keep it down. You don't want mom to hear do you?"

"No..." I reply.

At the End of the Week - {Suntan}Where stories live. Discover now