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When I walk into homeroom, I notice Sunny and Basil talking with each other. That's kinda strange since they were so quiet yesterday.

I make the decision to walk over and sit beside them.

"Oh hey Kel," Basil says softly.

"Hi Basil," I respond.

Sunny doesn't say anything, so I just simply wave at him. He seems to have spaced out suddenly. Weird. He's always been spaceing out from time to time. I wonder what he thinks about?

Things slowly get awkward. We have 5 minutes before class starts and we're wasting time in silence.

Suddenly, Basil whispers something to Sunny. This makes Sunny's very still face break out in movement, making Basil look away from him.

What is this feeling? I'm happy that they're happy but, I didn't have to do anything to help. Almost like, they didn't need me... to help.

As class begins I couldn't help but think about Sunny and Basil. Could it be they've been friends this whole time and what Sunny said yesterday was true? That everything was fine.

Sure everything may seem fine but, what if they're lying to me. What if they think I'm too immature to know what they're talking about?

"Ugh, get over yourself Kel," I say to myself. It's their own business not mine. Wait, their own? Since when were they so... close. Basil and Sunny never...

I could barely focus on what the teacher said. My brain kept getting more confused which ended making me tired.

Suddenly I could feel my face falling and I lay my head down on the table I was sitting at with Basil and Sunny. I realize my arm grabs onto something, since I usually like hugging my pillows when I sleep. Although, I'm not sure what I'm holding onto. It feels so... nice and warm and comfortable.

I try to look at what I'm grabbing, not moving much since I feel so tired.

That's when it hit me...

I'm, holding onto... SUNNY'S ARM?! How did that even happen...

I realize this by looking at the color of thing I'm grabbing, and the shape i obviously.

I can't see Sunny's face but I CAN TELL HOW MY FACE IS. My face is practically burning hot but. Weirdly, Sunny hasn't taken his arm back. He must feel uncomfortable surely, right?

We stay like that for a few minutes until I hear the teacher call my name. "Kelsey!! Get up. This isn't nap time."

Suddenly I jerk upwards from the startle she gave me. I quickly realized what was happening with me still grabbing Sunny's hand.

"S-sunny! I uhm, I'm sorry haha..."

Sunny stares at my arm letting go of his, then he looks at me, "I-it's okay."

I feel so embarrassed. Why did I do that? I mean it's not like I like Sunny or anything, right? Why am I asking myself? It's not like I'll know the answer to that.


The day slowly, but surely transitions into lunchtime.

I could barely talk to Sunny today since he would always start talking to Basil first. I mean, I know they're best friends but, have they always done this? They were so quiet yesterday now suddenly they're talking.

Now that I think about it, those two were always a pair. Like how me and Aubrey, and Hero and Mari were always a pair.

They were always so close as kids. How come I've never realized it?

At the End of the Week - {Suntan}Where stories live. Discover now