Saturday pt. 2

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Previously on the last episode of– I'm kidding. Anyways, it's now or... NEVER, NEVER.

My heart starts to race. I've never been good at dealing with stress... This is so nerve wracking.

I patiently wait for Sunny since according to Aubrey's words of, "Guy's!!! HE'S–!" y'know, I would assume he'd ACTUALLY BE HERE!

Ugh, how much longer until he's here?

Suddenly, I hear bushes ruffle along with footsteps.

Could it be...?

"Hi, Kel..."

"Hey Sunny!" I exclaim nervously.

We stand there for a couple seconds without speaking. I think he knows what's up... It's way more awkward with everyone else watching too.

"Where is everyone? Weren't we all gonna meet up?" Sunny asks.

"W-well I..." I stop to take a deep breathe. "Can I talk to you, Sunny?"

"Aren't we already talking?" Sunny smiles softly.

"DUH! But like, I have something important I wanna tell you man! I just want you to listen, ok?"

"I'll be here listening no matter what," He says.

I take a breathe of relief, "Sunny– no, I mean Sunshine, we've been best friends ever since we were kids. Over those years you made me realize how much I should show myself some love too. You've changed me man. You were always there to play games with me and always listen to whatever problems were going on at the time..."

"Has your parents situation gotten better? I remember... a long time ago, you felt like you weren't good enough..." Sunny questions.

"Yeah, it's gotten better... thanks to you," I say.

"Me? What have I done...?" Sunny asks.

"Are you being for real? You've gotten me through so many tough situations when I was younger."

Sunny stays quiet, with pinkish cheeks. He must wear makeup or something he always has blush around me!

"You've gotten me through a lot too, y'know... especially these days..." Sunny murmurs that last part.

"That's great to hear! We've both been helping each other all these years." So cute and romantic of us!

"Well thanks, Kel. But I'm sure there's more you wanted to say right?"

"What do you mean...?"

"Well... you didn't tell me to meet up just for that did you?

OH MY GOD HE KNOWS!!! Wait, he literally confessed to me Thursday how could he not know... wait, does that mean he knows what's going on?

My face blushes.

"I-D-K what you're talking about!"

Sunny stands there silently facing away from me. From what I can see his face is turning pink as well.

Oh this is so scary... but I've waited this long. I've waited until the end of the week for this. It's now or never.

"Sunny the truth is... Thursday, when you told me you liked me, I panicked. I couldn't think straight after what you said... I couldn't even respond. When I saw you run away, I panicked even more... I didn't know what to do. Then on Friday, everything felt normal. But, I felt like you were flirting with me..."

"I... I was just being nice..."

"Y'know what? I don't know if you still like me or not. But it wont stop me from telling you how I feel."

At the End of the Week - {Suntan}Where stories live. Discover now