back to december. (fever, pt. ii)

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hallo, so btw i made reader's pronouns they/them, but you can imagine it as she/her just the same, to be inclusive with our enby siblings na rin. i guess you can say reader is afab (assigned female at birth). sorry to our masc friends, bawi next life lmao. kaunti lang din kasi mga femslash content for Jill so sa amin muna 'to, ha? :D more inclusive fics in the future. <3

also, slightly long chapter. sorry hehe.

Content warning: Blink-and-you'll-miss-it homophobia


The world is shaking...

The world is shaking? Jill thought as incessant shaking of her body roused her into consciousness.

"Anak, ano ba? Gising na! Tanghali na, oh. Nasa baba si Y/N! Batiin mo muna bago man lang siya umalis," Her Mama Leni loudly said and her brain is still trying to catch up with her mother's words.

Anak, gising, tanghali, Y/N, batiin, aalis, Y/N, Y/N? Y/N!

"Y/N's here?" Jill asked, jolting upright as the name finally clicked on her.

"Ay kanina ko pa sinasabi, Jillian Therese. Gising na nga kasi! Kanina ka pa raw pinapabangon ng mga ate mo," Mama Leni scoldingly said and forcefully yanked the blanket away from her, making the cold air seep into her bones.

Aika knocked on the door before opening it, getting the two women's attention, "Mama, need na raw umalis ni Y/N..." She trailed off as if listening to something, then a dejected expression crosses her features. "At ayun na nga, umalis na. I just heard the front door close. Naku, makukurot ko talaga batang 'yon, 'di man lang nagpaalam muna," She complained and went back downstairs.

Mama Leni sighed as well. "Sobrang busy talaga ng batang 'yon. 'Di bale, we'll visit them din naman for New Year's," She said as she started to make the bed.

Y/N was just here? Right, the tradition of bringing the gifts personally, Jill thought.

She can keep lying to herself, but she's aware deep down that she misses her best friend so much.

And it's all her fault.

Jill went downstairs once her body is actually awake now to freshen up when her Ate Tricia noticed her downcast expression.

"Oh? Ba't gan'yan mukha mo? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" Tricia mockingly said as she's shaking the boxes under the tree to get an idea of what's inside.

"Good morning din sa'yo, ate."

"Ay, good na good talaga. Kagagaling lang kasi ni Y/N dito tapos na-hug ko siya, e. Lakas magpa-miss kasi," Tricia taunted. "OMG! Siguro cute sweater na naman regalo sa akin ng bebe."

Jill noticed the beautifully-wrapped presents and instantly knew who they're from. From the perfect seams to the design of the paper, even down to the silver bows sitting on top of it.

The sight only added to her already "great" morning mood.

Merry Christmas Eve to me, I guess, she thought.

Perhaps it was a good thing she didn't catch you that morning, with her neurons still lagging behind. And seeing you in all your glory would only crumble her flimsy composure.

But she also misses you greatly. Even hearing an excerpt of your voice would be enough to keep her going.

Jill sighed heavily as she brushes her teeth. Her mind drifts to the letter and gift collecting dust on her nightstand that she's supposed to give to you back in September.

Jillian Robredo x Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now