somebody to you.

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Jillian huffingly looked at her vacant living space, save for the cardboard boxes that littered within it. After living at her old apartment for two in Downtown Manhattan for almost 7 years, she's moving to somewhere in Uptown, somewhere closer to her workplace. She didn't come to this decision quickly, it took her a lot of time; apartment hunting with her family, deliberation, and whatnot. But alas, in the end, she went through with this bold move.

And although it's still early to tell, she's already loving her new apartment and neighborhood.

Her family and some of her friends naturally came to her aid with moving and redecorating. The company made the work much easier and lively. Boxes of pizza and beer were shared at the end of it all. It also passed as a housewarming party. Jill is happy.

The next day, she sent out some baked goodies to her floor neighbors. It's a custom she practice. Thankfully all of them have been friendly and polite to her when she introduced herself, and even exchanged some pleasant small talk. Some has also given her something in return, as a welcome gift. And to know their new neighbor more, Jill was invited for a dinner once she's available. She was lucky to catch everyone inside their homes, except for one — the one apartment closest to her, the door directly across from hers — APT 304.

Jill can't see any light under the door, nor hear a sound from the inside which means the resident/s isn't/aren't there. The eccentric middle-aged cat lady from 305 told her the owner of the said room is always outside, a phantom they can't catch. The times she have interacted with her could be counted in one hand, or at least what she could recall.

"She's a stranger even to me, and I know everyone!" Kate exclaimed to Jill. "I can't remember her name, though. But she was nice to me."

The chocolate chip walnut banana bread she baked sat on top of her desk. Jill also have some things to do so she couldn't wait around to personally hand this baked good to her MIA neighbor. So, she retrieved a yellow sticky note and a black Sharpie, wrote a simple note: Hello! I'm Jillian from APT 303. I hope you enjoy this banana bread.

She's contemplating whether adding 'looking forward to being your neighbor', but it sounded too... familiar. So Jill ruled it out. To exude some friendliness, she drew a cute smiley face at the lower right corner of the paper. Finally satisfied with her work, Jill stuck the note on top of the disposable container. She padded her way across, knocked on the door thrice and waited for a few minutes in wishful thinking that maybe this neighbor would just appear out of nowhere, before sighing and eventually putting the container just outside their door. The hallway seems safe and sanitary, hopefully no animals would snatch the food before the intended receiver could get it.

Jillian lingered by the door a little longer, then turned around to get ready for bed.

She's not usually piqued by someone she hasn't met, but the mysterious air surrounding this one neighbor occupied her thoughts for a while before losing her consciousness.


The next morning when Jill's about to leave for work, something caught her eye. There's a package, or rather, a black airtight food container wrapped inside a Ziplock bag, just outside her door, confusing her. She doesn't remember ordering anything this week, but picked up the package nonetheless.

One other thing stole her attention. The absence of her disposable container amazed her and made her smile. Does that mean the resident from APT 304 got her gift?

Jill went inside in the meantime to check whatever it was she received. A note she didn't see at first landed on her countertop. It's the same yellow sticky note she used for her gift. Since the paper doesn't have a lot of space to work with, a tiny handwritten note was scribbled below.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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