pretty girl.

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"Ay gurl, I got a new book to recommend to you!" Your bestfriend told you.

You are hanging out with Cee for the day, forcibly going out to stretch your limbs and such. The downside of working from home is that you rarely go outside anymore. It's not really a bad thing for your introverted nature, but it does take a toll on you from time-to-time because the fine line between work and life is blurred. So sometimes, you invite your bestfriend out to de-stress when you got free time.

Your friend also told you you have to go out more frequently and get some sun as you're pale as a ghost. Another reminder that humans are just plants with anxieties.

"Ano'ng genre?" You asked while browsing some books.

"Hmm, romance. Pero hindi siya overly-cringe. I think you'd like it! Maganda pagkakasulat." She replied.

"Queer?" You asked and took out an interesting looking book, you skimmed the summary at the back of the cover.

"Ay, hindi. Hetero siya..." She trailed.

"Ah, pass." You replied.

"You won't give it a chance man lang?"

"Nah, I've had enough hetero-content to last me a lifetime." You answered and returned the book to its shelf.

Ever since you started consuming queer media, specifically sapphic ones, you struggled getting back to hetero content anymore. You just can't enjoy it now. More and more well-crafted sapphic media are emerging and you're grateful. If you were still on your teens at this moment, you would be so ecstatic for the representation. The media for queers back then were all tragic! It's not helping the baby gays, making them think that there's no happy ending for them. This is also why you turned to fanfictions, mangas and manhwas, mostly underground media. You get better representation there.

However, there's a book you're looking for. It's famous amongst sapphics, it's called The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. You haven't picked it up yet, after all you rarely go outside anymore and thus, rarely visit bookstores. Sure, you could've ordered online but you miss shopping for books. The rewarding feeling of actually buying a book physically hits different than getting it online.

You're looking for it in this shop, but they don't have it. You also asked the clerk if they have hidden stocks but he said no. You pulled your friend away from the shop to go to another one.

"Gurl, you know you can just borrow my copy." Cee whined.

"Ayoko. Gusto ko may sarili akong kopya. Sige ka, arborin ko 'yang iyo." You threatened.

"Edi sunugin ko bahay niyo, sige ka!" Cee replied.

"Edi masusunog din kopya mo, gusto mo 'yon?" You sassed.

Cee just harrumphed and crossed her arms, you chuckled.

You two entered another shop and you instantly went to the fiction section of the store, while Cee perused cookbooks.

And finally! There she is! A lone copy of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.

You immediately ran to it and it's almost at your reach when another hand snatched it away from your grasp. You felt your world turn in slow motion; in anger, shock, and frustration at the person. You followed them and held the person's shoulder to stop them on their tracks to confront them.

"Excuse me, I saw that..." You trailed off once you see who the culprit was. " first." You finished weakly.

It's Jillian.

Not just any Jillian, but Jillian Therese Gerona Robredo. The same Jillian you had a huge gay crush on back in high school. The Jillian you used to pine after, observe from afar, manifested to be your girlfriend. But of course, you were a spineless closeted gay idiot then — still are but sans the closeted — that you never had the guts to confess to the girl. You only whispered your longing in the wind, hoping in vain that it reaches her ear. Of course, how could you confess? She's straight. As far as you know? Not so sure because you couldn't talk to this girl, then. You just can't. You probably still can't! Your brain turns into mush whenever a pretty girl comes across you. And Jillian is such a pretty girl! Soft, feminine, nice, gentle, charming, brilliant, smells like flowers, gosh, you could go on for centuries associating her with all the positive adjectives in the world and worship the very ground she walks on but you realize you must be looking like a stupid fool right now, neck deep in your headspace, rambling internally as you gay panic, staring like a creep at Jillian while she's probably talking to you. You aren't certain but her mouth is moving so she must be talking to you.

Jillian Robredo x Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now