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Your first kiss with Jill is something that is one for the books — remarkable, otherworldly, sensational, mind-blowing, and breathtaking. Well, the last part being literal.

It was so marvelous your brain failed to work, just sensory overload (but in the best way possible). You were so entranced by it, your nervous system also failed to send signals to your respiratory that with each passing seconds of kissing Jillian, you're also losing oxygen.

You're interpreting your lightheadedness and pulsating feet as being so kilig, when in reality you're on the verge of passing out.

Your hold on Jill is slowly giving out and your balance is surrendering to the gravity, your girlfriend couldn't steady you in time that you dropped to the ground, a faint scream rang out from somewhere, and your head banged against the desk behind you harshly.


Pain, throbbing pain all over your head registered to you first. Then muffled cries and gentle tapping of your face next, rousing you to consciousness. You're lying on the ground, the floor too hard on your back. But your head is cradled by something soft, despite the softness, it does little to nothing to alleviate the pressure on your head.

You groaned, you can feel bile is climbing its way up to your throat.

"Babe, please, wake up. Gumising ka please. I'm so sorry, please gumising ka."

The sweet broken voice sounds familiar you had to call, "Jill?"

"Yes, mahal. It's me! It's okay. You're okay." Jill quickly replied and shook you awake again. She's trying so hard to keep calm but your sudden unconsciousness is making her anxious. Everything happened too fast.

Your vision is blurry so you refrained from opening your eyes. "I-I'm okay, Jill. Don't worry. Please don't cry." You croaked out.

Your assurance only made Jill worry and sob more.

"Please open your eyes for me, babe." Jill pleaded.

And you tried hard. But your eyes are too sensitive from the light. The thumping on your head adds to the strain as well. After a few more attempts, you've finally adjusted to the surroundings and you faintly make out the worried look on Jill's face. You felt guilty, knowing you've caused such emotion on her.

"You must be hurt but I'm here. Please tell me anong masakit sa'yo."

You badly want to sleep again, so you could numb the pain on your head, but Jill's light shaking of your body is keeping you conscious. "My head. Parang binibiyak. And I'm feeling nauseous. I'm sleepy, itulog ko lang 'to. Okay lang ako, mahal. Promise."

"No, no please! 'Wag kang matutulog, babe. Medyo malakas pagkauntog mo and I couldn't hold you in time so you dropped to the floor. I'm so sorry," Jill said in a panic.

"Siguro malaki bukol ko. But it's all good, I'm okay now," You reassured her and reached up to wipe some of her tears.

"Wait, let me check your head. Baka may bleeding." She gently rolled you to your side and the sick feeling embraced you again.

You made an effort of keeping your grunts of pain, and Jill's touch was feather-light but it still hurt the sore skin.

"I'm sorry, mahal. Alam kong masakit." Jill apologized and rolled you on your back again. "Wala namang dugo pero parang may bukol. Kukuha lang ako ng ice pack, okay? I'll be back ASAP."

And she carefully laid you on the floor. You wanted to sit up but she told you to stay where you are to not risk you falling again.

She came back immediately and cradled your head on her lap again as she presses the cold compress on it.

Jillian Robredo x Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now