blind date.

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Jill was set up again by her sisters into a blind date. They told her she's been single for so long and therefore they took it to their own hands. Jill agreed just to appease her sisters, besides, there's a 50-50 chance that this would go well. The guy she's set up with is a friend of Tricia, already interviewed by Aika, and sort of pass Leni's standards.

Though despite her family's approval of the guy, they just don't match.

He's great and all but he's just not Jill's type. And hey, at least that's a thing they shared in common. They don't click, so they both agreed to not do this again. Maybe they could pass off as acquiantances. Jill is still fine for his lukewarm company.

Now she's walking alone at night on her way to the subways of New York, she's gonna commute home. Jill tries not to think so much about her (another) failed date tonight, she feels like she disappointed her family. Jill just doesn't feel like entertaining that part of her life, she loves being a career-woman. Her sisters are establishing families of their own now, and she's on her way to her late-20's in a few months, still single as ever. Though she actually enjoys the idea of being alone! Jill is more exhausted when her relatives and friends are trying to tell her things she should or should not do. Jill rolls her eyes at the images of them giving unsolicited advice.

But she kinda understand where her family are coming from... New York is a big cold city and her sisters and mother are worried since they're far from her. Even at her big age, Jillian will always be their baby girl.

Should she get a dog? No, Jill has yet to overcome her phobia over any four-legged animals. But is she gonna die alone? No one wants to die alone!

Jill is too busy thinking about her future that someone collided onto her hard that she almost lost her balance. She's wearing heels, for Pete's sake! She's frustrated out of her mind tonight, a bit homesick, and this is her last straw! So she berated the person in utter exasperation while fixing herself. "Can't you watch where you're going?"


Jill scoffed at the sarcasm and looked up to see them wearing dark sunglasses despite it being nighttime and a walking stick in one hand. Oh. "Ay shuta. I'm sorry." Jill says in astonishment, guilt creeping up on her in an instant upon the realization.

The person only chuckled. "It's all good. I'm sorry as well. I hope I didn't spill anything on you." They said and tries to fix their sunglasses. "Ma'am, are you by any chance a Filipino?"

"Uhm, yes, why?"

"Ha! Sabi na, e. Pinoy lang ang magmumura ng 'shuta'." They gleefully said.

The fluent Filipino sentence from the stranger made Jill excited. "Ay, Pinoy ka rin?"

"Malamang, kaya nga nagsasalita ng Filipino, 'di ba?" They cheekily replied.

Jill rolled her eyes but snorted. "E malay ko ba? Baka trip mo lang kasing mag-aral ng Filipino."

The stranger hummed then clicked their tongue. "Eh, may point ka r'on. Pero Pinoy din ako, sa isip, sa salita, at sa gawa."

Jill chuckled, and then she remembers what happened earlier. "Anyway, uhm. I'm so sorry for bumping into you tapos nainis pa ako."

"Okay lang. Ako nga dapat mag-sorry kasi hindi ako tumitingin sa dinadaanan ko, e. Nakabangga tuloy ako." They replied. "Ay, bulag pala ako. Wala talaga akong nakikita, hehe."

Jill looks away and pursed her lips to not giggle at the dark humor.

"Okay lang tumawa, Ma'am. Kahit dark joke 'yon. Well, kahit ano namang joke para sa 'kin ay dark." They continued.

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