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I don't like to call myself a hero. Because really, that's not what I am. You could say I'm a vigilante or even an antihero, but I don't know if any of these titles fit me. To the government I am a very wanted criminal, to my friends I am suspected to be dead, to the people of the underground and most civilians I am a symbol of hope, and to the villains? Well, I am also very wanted.

But what I am not, is a hero. 

So no, this is not the story of how I became the greatest hero. This is the story of how I found out what my place in the world is. Let's take it from the top, shall we? Although technically this all started way before I was born... Y'know, let's not complicate things and start from the age of four.

Y/N, AGE 4

"Wow, Kacchan! Did you get your quirk already? That's awesome!" The little girl (Me) gushed as she marvelled at the sight of her friend's quirk in action. "I know right? I'm amazing!" The blond boy chuckled, and for those asking, Katsuki is still a pain in the ass (He did get a teeny bit better though). "You're so lucky Kacchan!" The green-haired one gasped.

The three of them stood in a circle while staring at the little explosions going off in Katsuki's hand, the boy had just gotten his quirk and he was trying to show his two best friends Izuku and Y/n. Always loved to show off, that Katsuki. "Do you think our quirks will develop soon too n/n?" Izuku asked, but little did he know... Well, you know the rest so I'll just shut up and narrate like I'm supposed to.

Y/n nodded with a big smile on her little face. "Of course! I bet they'll be something awesome like Kacchans quirk!" She exclaimed while clapping her hands excitedly. "Yeah, but they won't be as awesome as mine!" Katsuki teased, Y/n rolled her eyes jokingly and nudged him.

"We'll see about that!"

Y/N, AGE 6

"I'm afraid that young Y/n here possesses no quirk..."

"What..?" The girl asked as she stared intensely at the old, ugly, bald doctor. The man cleared his throat while he adjusted his glasses and looked towards the elderly woman who had her arm wrapped around the little girl. "There must be some kind of mistake... Are you completely sure..?" The woman started.

The elderly woman, Hana Ichika, is Y/n's adoptive mother. Although she's more of a grandmother than a mother given her old age and attitude. She had adopted Y/n from an orphanage after Y/n's parents both died in a plane crash and has been taking care of her ever since. (Well that's what I thought at the time. Oops, spoiler alert. Sorry. I need to stop.)

Hana was 57, unmarried and infertile when she adopted the baby girl. Y/n was merely two weeks old when she was adopted and has no memories of her parents. The only thing that she was told was that her parents' bodies were presumably burned to ash.

Y/n knew that she was adopted but she didn't care, she loved her Nana more than anything. Hana loves Y/n, and in turn, was equally as crushed to hear the news that Y/n was quirkless. She knew how much Y/n wanted to become a hero like her idol, All Might and was very supportive of her dream.

"Yes, you see, early quirk research discovered that people who have an extra joint in their pinky toe are usually always quirkless. Y/n here has two joints, meaning that she possesses no quirk." The doctor explained while pointing at Y/n's X-Ray.

The girl's eyes held an emptiness in them while she stared at the ground, she had stopped listening after he said 'quirkless'. She felt as if her dreams were being crushed right in front of her, how could she become a hero without a quirk? How was she going to prove to Kacchan that she's also cool?

𝘞𝘈𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘋//𝘐. 𝘔𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘺𝘢 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now