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The sound of different types of guns shooting and reloading continuously was a sound Y/n has been hearing often enough for her to hear it echoing in the back of her skull even when she wasn't in the gun range. If it wasn't the sound of bullets, then it was the piercing and brittle sound of sharpening all sorts of blades. For the entirety of the past two months, Y/n has been training on a daily basis. Weapons, martial arts, everything. After she 'agreed' to join All for One, he wasted no time making sure that her physique was at its peak so that she could handle the quirk transfer.

He made sure that she was perfect in every way, he brought in people to teach her as many types of martial arts as possible. He made sure that she knew how to handle any type of weapon. And he'd regularly test her decision-making and plan-developing skills by using a quirk to stimulate her mind and make her hallucinate imaginary scenarios where she has to make quick and effective decisions. She was pushed to her breaking point on a daily basis, and even further too. Harsh training was nothing new to Y/n, she made sure to always push herself when she trained alone back home. But this? This was torture.


Y/n switched the magazine in seconds. It took her a week to get to this incredible speed. She'd reload a gun before you can even notice that she'd run out of bullets. The suffering she went through to learn the most effective way to shoot and reload over one hundred types of guns was unreal. Her brain worked faster than her hands though. Figuring out the aim, keeping count of the bullets, remembering all the separate techniques. The same applied to other weapons such as knives and swords.

"Why am I doing all this weaponry if you're going to give me a quirk that lets me have as many quirks as I want.." Y/n complained once when her grandfather visited one of her training sessions. She was on the ground in front of him, doing push-ups with weights placed on her back. He laughed, making her bite the inside of her cheek. "You foolish child. I am sharpening your mind and focus. Switching between different types of weapons is like switching between quirks. And if your mind is sharp enough to be creative and be able to use any weapon that I chuck in your hands, then it can do the same with a quirk.."


'How bold of him to trust me enough to let me have my hands on so many guns. What if I used them to escape? Or shoot myself, which I will soon if the food that Tomura brings me today tastes a week old like usual.' Y/n thought, dropping the AK47 and picking up the M4 instead. "Hey-" Shigaraki paused in his tracks when Y/n turned to him with the rifle in hand. "Woah put that shit down it's just me." He put his hands up defensively. Y/n pulled the manual safety and put the rifle back down with a sigh. "How can I help you?" She mumbled with a lazy glance.

"We got ourselves a couple of new members. Thought you'd might want to meet em'." He hummed, examining the table filled with all sorts of blades. "Careful, that one-" "Fuck.." "-was sharpened recently.." She continued. Y/n shook her head and grabbed Shigaraki's finger, grabbing one of the pieces of cloth that she uses to shine the weaponry and wrapping it around the small cut. "You're a child, Tomura." Y/n started calling him by his first name around a month ago. She knew it irritated him, so it was a small victory that she could have. She's not sure it still irritates him anymore since he hasn't told her to shut up in a while.

But Y/n will always find a way to irritate him. It's a lifestyle.

"Shut the hell up.." He hissed back, she rolled her eyes. The two walked to the bar together silently. "You've gotten stronger. I think he might do the transfer sooner than we anticipated." Shigaraki suddenly said. Y/n paused in her tracks, looking up from the floor to stare at him. This single sentence managed to put her off for the entire evening. "Huh?" He didn't answer, he only told her to keep it moving. She jogged and caught up with him right as he was entering the bar, placing her foot between the door and doorway to stop it from shutting.

When she slipped into the room, she felt a bunch of eyes turn toward her. Y/n quickly glanced around and took note of everyone in the room. A black-haired man with patched skin, a man in a mask with intricate designs, a man in spandex, a lizard mutation, a blond girl and someone carrying a large... magnet. Kurogiri was there too. Y/n frowned, staring at the magnet curiously. Shigaraki gave Y/n a look, urging her to introduce herself. "Oh. Uh... I'm Y/n L/- Ya- doesn't matter. I'm 15. I've been here for two months. Don't know much about the place so you should ask him questions if you have any." She shrugged, pointing at Shigaraki.

"What's your quirk?" The black-haired man with patches asked, his blue eyes staring into her soul. "That's... that's a good question. I don't really have one at the moment.." She answered with an awkward smile, Shigaraki rolled his eyes. "She's the boss's granddaughter. She's gonna inherit his quirk soon and lead us." The man scoffed, looking her up and down. "This little girl? Why'd I even bother." Y/n clenched her teeth. Her hand bolted to the nearest bottle opener from the bar and hurled it in the man's direction.

It scathed his cheek before embedding itself into the wooden wall that he was leaning on. "Next time I'll take your eye out." His eyes were wide for a second before he frowned and a blue flame ignited in his palm, ready to lunge at her. "Woah!!" A squeal was heard before Y/n was engulfed in a hug by the blond girl. "So pretty and cool! Be my friend!" She grinned widely. "I'm Himiko Toga!" Y/n blinked for a few seconds. "..Uh sure."

After they put the name and quirk introductions aside, Y/n was found sitting on a bar stool with Toga. A part of her was relieved to be interacting with a girl for the first time since she got kidnapped. "Oh wow. You have such a fascinating quirk.." Y/n hummed, and Toga's eyes lit up. "You think so?! Thank you! That was so cool what you did there with Dabi.." She giggled. Y/n shrugged it off with a smile, pretending like she didn't feel his eyes piercing the back of her head from across the room. "So you're good with blades? I like them too haha!"

"I'm good with anything really. But yeah, blades are fun." Y/n nodded. "Y/n, right?" Magne, the one who held a big magnet earlier, asked. She grabbed a stool and sat next to the two other girls. "Yup." Y/n answered. "You're.. Young. How do you feel about all of this? It's a big responsibility." She had a slight tone of worry in her voice, and Y/n was so glad to receive any sort of compassion after months. Y/n thought of Shigaraki's words. '-transfer sooner than we anticipated.'. She didn't like the thought of that, she feared that she'd meet the same fate as her mother.

And she didn't like the thought of that one bit.

Y/n quickly shoved aside her worries of dying an excruciating death during the quirk transition and sighed. "I... I'm not sure. It is a big responsibility I mean, I just found out about all of this two months ago. But I've been training for two months straight so I'd like to think that I'm strong enough."

Magne smiled. "Atta girl." She hummed, making Y/n look away shyly. "I think it's super cool that our boss is gonna be a girl!" Toga grinned. "A brat more like." Dabi muttered, making the three turn in his direction. Toga slid a knife across the table towards Y/n. But she didn't take it, instead, she hopped off the stool and walked toward Dabi. She halted in front of him, staring intensely into his eyes. "You remind me of someone." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. His eye twitched, and he was about to insult the girl when he was interrupted.

"Kurogiri. Turn up the volume, they're gonna announce the Sports festival winners." Shigaraki ordered. Y/n turned her back towards Dabi and walked closer to the screen. As Kurogiri Highered the volume, the cheers from the TV got louder. The camera first zoomed in on the classes celebrating, and then moved to the stands. Y/n had to take a seat. She looked at the screen again, thinking that she might be hallucinating. But she wasn't.

There they were. Both of them. Izuku celebrating with the students. Katsuki chained up to the first place stand. They both made it into U.A. Y/n couldn't help but smile a little. Her breath hitched when she saw All Might hand out the medals. She hasn't been able to see her favourite hero in the same way since she heard of... what happened. She had to suppress a laugh when Katsuki wouldn't hold still. 'I wonder what they did to piss him off this much..' Thought Y/n. A part of her wished that she made it too. But she shook her head.

Shigaraki walked towards the screen and pointed at Katsuki, making Y/n glance at him questionably. But the smile that she previously held after seeing the two familiar faces soon dropped after she heard what he said.

"This one. We're gonna recruit him."

𝘞𝘈𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘋//𝘐. 𝘔𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘺𝘢 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now