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When Izuku laid eyes on the battered Y/n, he instantly leaped towards her. "What happened?! Y/n??" He asked, she opened her mouth to say something, but she began to cough out blood and instantly collapsed. Izuku wrapped his arms around her before she could touch the sidewalk and lifted her up. "Kacchan, you drive." He ordered, getting into the back seat. Izuku sat down and laid her on his lap, holding her head against his chest. Katsuki shut the door and immediately drove away. "Yours?" "Y-yeah."

Izuku looked down, and a gasp left his throat, watching as blood oozed from a half healed chest wound. There was blood leaking from her ear and nose too, meaning significant brain damage. With his hands all bloody, he rummaged around for his phone. "Mr Aizawa? Are the police gone?" He asked as soon as his old teacher picked up the phone. "Where the hell are you three?" Aizawa whisper-shouted. "We opened the bunker and you were gone along with a car."

"Sir, I'm sorry. We'll explain later, we were at Y/n's, then we left and she disappeared and came back looking like she got mauled by a train. We're heading to my place, please come. We need to help her heal, and I don't know how. Do I give her painkillers?" Izuku was frantic, trying to hold on to her head to prevent further damage from the car shaking. "Alright, Yagi traced his car, we're closer to your house. Just get there and we'll manage the situation together. And you'll explain everything. I'm bringing back up. We'll need as much help as possible."

Aizawa ended the call before Izuku could ask about the back-up. "How far are we?" Izuku asked. "10 more minutes. Is she still bleeding out?" Katsuki glanced at them through the rearview mirror, where he saw his friend biting his lower lip so hard he was on the verge of drawing blood. "I- I don't know, the chest wound is closing up, but her face is still..." "Izuku, come on, you have to pull it together. We need to get used to this now that she's back. But hey, she's back, right? She's back." Katsuki said. Izuku nodded, smiling slightly. "She's back... She's back..."

"Argh! Fuck!" Y/n gasped, her eyes shooting open as they hit a speed bump– which tore open her half-healed chest wound once again. "Y/n?!" Izuku panicked. "Katsuki quit driving like a dickhead! Urgh my fucking guts!" She quickly pressed her hands to where she'd been impaled, which was right beneath her solar plexus, to prevent anything from spilling out and to put pressure to restrict blood flow. Izuku placed his hand on the same spot and pressed down to help her.

She clasped her teeth down on the bloody collar of her jacket to muffle her shrill scream of pain. "Where are we fucking going?!" Y/n impatiently snapped at Katsuki. "Almost there, just pulling up to the driveway..." He huffed, glancing back at her. "What happened Y/n?" Izuku asked, trying to distract her. "Wh-white Rose business..." She responded through gritted teeth.

"Y/n you have to tell us what that business is-" "Knock me out." She suddenly heaved, grabbing Izuku by the collar. "W-what?! No!" He stammered, confused. "Izuku Midoriya I'm telling you to knock me out– please!" She panted. "We're here! Come on, let's get her out." "I got her, just open the doors Kacchan."

The two rushed into the secluded chalet, Izuku carrying Y/n and Katsuki clearing the way for them. "There you are-" "Mr Aizawa!" Y/n leaped out of Izuku's arms, causing his heart to almost jump out of his throat, and took a few steps towards her old teacher and grasping his shoulders. "Please." She begged through gritted teeth, and he instantly knew what she meant. He sighed before striking her in the neck and taking her out. "Oh my god..." Izuku's jaw dropped. Toshinori, who was standing behind Aizawa, looked shocked, and Katsuki looked very confused and concerned.

"Here, lay some towels down and lay her down somewhere." Aizawa ordered, shoving Y/n into Izuku's arms. He took her immediately and headed to his bedroom, closely followed by Katsuki. They laid her down on top of towels just as Aizawa said, and waited for his next instruction. Aizawa walked in from the kitchen with a bowl filled with cold water, followed by Toshinori carrying some wet rolled up towels.

𝘞𝘈𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘋//𝘐. 𝘔𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘺𝘢 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now