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I felt a knife press against my neck, making me sigh and turn. A terrified stout man met my gaze. "Oh hello there. Love the pink towel, it really brings out the sex trafficker in your eyes. Could you point me in the direction of a uhm... 'Lust'?" My head was tilted and my eyebrows were arched upwards, the man kept shivering. He dropped the knife, clapped his palms together and then frantically mumbled something in another language. "Hm... I don't speak Mandarin. However, from your begging tone and appearance, you're trying to bargain for your life... Well, here's one phrase I learned in almost every language, just in case."

The bobbing of his adam's apple along with his uncontrolled shivering almost made me feel bad as I leaned down to his height. I was so close he could see his eyes in my own, and I would've felt his breath on my face if it weren't for the mask covering the lower part of it. "*我不讨价还价婊子..." *I don't bargain bitch... His face dropped, and with it his towel as he tried to run away. Futile attempt really. I snatched the towel, of course, and quickly twisted it before hauling him back into me by wrapping it around his neck like a dog collar. After that, it was all frankly quite blurry and quick.

Now for comedic purposes, I advise you to imagine what comes next in slow motion with classical music in the background. It's my way of making fights less boring since they're such a common occurrence in this field of work I recommend Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the flowers.

Guns cocked in my direction and I turned, lifting the man by his neck and using him to shield myself as his servants and friends alike opened fire on me. He kicked and scratched at my gloved hands, but his struggling stopped and he went limp while I ran, still holding him up as a shield. I slid onto my knees behind a bar, and they seized fire when I grabbed the dead man and held his hands up above the counter. "Wait! Listen! I have a question!" I shouted from behind the bar. I didn't expect a reply, so I kept talking. "Does anyone here know a 'Lust'?" While I spoke, I examined my surroundings, which consisted of the man that was now useless as a shield due to too many bullet holes, some broken alcohol bottles, and a giant suitcase filled to the brim with cocaine bricks.

"No? Well tell me, as men of experience, do you think he'd like this cocaine?" I asked. Finally, I emerged from behind the bar and singlehandedly lunged three bags of cocaine as hard as I could in the direction of the gunmen. I snatched my beautiful Beretta M9 from its holster and fired three bullets as soon as the cocaine bags were in front of their faces. The bags exploded in their faces, and the coughing ensued. I slid over the counter feet first and replaced the small handgun in favour of a machine gun while doing so. "Who and where is Lust?!" I screamed, but my voice wasn't heard whatsoever over the deafening sound of continuous bullets.

Bodies fell all around, but the number of men running up to attack me as I shot seemed neverending. Throwing punches left and right, it was all so energy consuming and I wanted to get it over as quickly as possible. "Don't be like that it's-" I was interrupted by a blow to the stomach, leaving me quite offended. "Rude!" I grabbed the green-skinned offender by his bare shoulders and shoved him in the direction of two other approaching men. Another man, this time a clothed one with an oddly shaped mouth, ran towards me with a long katana that he snatched from the decorative wall and a face covered in white powder. Looks like he was from the batch of men I gunned down after bombing them with cocaine. Explains the sword.

I slid out my own blade from the sheath on my back, it's times like these when I evaluate myself because I had brought a sword with me without the influence of cocaine. A loud clang made me cringe, his blade almost cracked mine in half. The cocaine slowed him down, he scrambled back after I pushed his sword away. It was like fighting a sheet of paper, except the sheet of paper was a big hunk of meaty man. With one swift upward cut, the sword landed in the hot springs. With the hand... still attached. They both sank due to the sword's weight and the hand not letting go. As he stared with intoxicated confusion at his hand (Or lack thereof) I took it as an opportunity to kick him in the gut and let him reunite with it in the water.

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