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Y/n was pacing frantically in her room, her hands were fiddling behind her back and she was biting her lip hard enough to draw blood. The metallic taste did very little to soothe her, but she'd already cracked all of her knuckles, so she had little to work with. Tonight the sky was particularly dark. The league was gone, and she was left alone in the base to wait for them to come back with one of her oldest friends hostage. Shigaraki had told her to stay in her room and not leave to wander around, to wait until he summoned her. She recalled All for One's words.

"I will test you for the last time Y/n. If you convince him to join us, then you will live to take on my legacy. If you don't..."

She had to figure out a way to escape before he could kill her because time was tight. And she had to take Katsuki with her. Even if their friendship had hit a stop after her discovering that she was quirkless, she couldn't let him stay under All for One. He was so cruel to his own blood, he'd kill Katsuki without hesitation at the smallest mishap, and she wasn't about to live with that guilt. That is if she managed to live at all... She wanted to curse herself for being so damn negative because it's the worst mindset she could have in a situation like this. But who the hell wouldn't feel completely helpless if they were in her shoes?

A small part of her wanted to make a run for it before they arrived.

To  leave Katsuki to defend himself against whatever heinous thing All for One would force him to do.

But... she wasn't like that. She wasn't that selfish. Not yet at least.

"Y/n." Kurogiri spoke from behind her. Her eyes widened and she knew that she had no chance now. She's utterly fucked. The only thing that she could do was turn around and nod. And hope for the best. Her legs were shaking slightly as she took the next few steps forward, letting Kurogiri take them both to the club. "Well. Let me make things easier for you and bring you someone your age. She's been in a similar position, so she can explain it better. Right Y/n?" Shigaraki moved his head to the black cloud, which quickly revealed the tired-looking girl. She gulped harshly when she saw the chained-up blond.

'Alright... you can do this... just play along and hope he catches the hint...'

"Long time no see Katsuki."


"Ah. That makes it even better, the two of you know each other?" Shigaraki mused. Y/n grabbed a chair and dragged it in front of Katsuki, spreading her legs to sit on it backwards and rest her arms and chin on the backrest. She tilted her head and smiled faintly at him, there was a harsh look in her eyes. "You could say we were... childhood friends. Until some differences occurred." Katsuki shivered when he fell under her glare. Y/n didn't have many physical similarities to her father, except for one thing. They both shared that same exact piercing glare that'll make anyone shiver. 

"You... oh god-  You didn't kill yourself?! Why the hell are you here with these fucking losers? Everyone thought.." Y/n had never seen such a look of shock before. Had he really believed that she killed herself? It broke her heart a little, but she had to shove her emotions aside for now. "Of course not. These 'losers' here saved me. Saved me from a life wasted trying to become a hero who's just for show and has to follow more rules than I can fucking count." She motioned to the people around her with a smile. "It's freeing." Y/n stretched her arms open as if asking for a hug and beamed.

"You're telling me you're playin' fucking villain now?" He scoffed, staring at her with disbelief written all over his face. Y/n tutted, shaking her head slowly before looking back at him. "I mean... I've always played villain when the three of us would play heroes and villains right?" She caught his eyes and raised her eyebrows, making sure he paid attention to her hint. "You do remember when we used to play heroes and villains, right? What I'd promise you every time?"

'Please.. Please please please catch this...'

"Okay fine I'll be the villain this time too, but only because you say that I'm good at playing a villain." Y/n huffed, folding her arms in front of her chest. "Yeah! But you'll never actually be one right? 'Cause you're kinda scary when you play one.." Izuku mumbled, making Y/n laugh. "I'd never become a villain!" "Tsk! They're all losers." Katsuki butt in with a big grin. "Yeah, I'm not a loser. I promise I'll never ever become one." She beamed before her expression turned to a mean glare.

"And I promise to beat all your nerdy hero butts!"

"Yeah. I do. You said you'd never become a loser like them. So why are you sitting opposite me now?" Y/n bit her lip and frowned. 'Did he notice..? Is he playing dumb in front of the villains?' "Why haven't the heroes come to get you yet huh? That's the same reason I'm still here. Those shits never came to get me after I got taken." That took him by surprise. He frowned deeply. "What? Y/n what are you talking about? They said that they found your watch near the bridge-" "This one?" She asked, lifting her wrist to show the watch that she rarely took off.

"What? Nothing to say Katsuki?" She asked after not hearing a word from him. "No, Katsuki, I didn't kill myself. I got kidnapped. But then they showed me all the wrongs of hero society, and believe me, there's so much. So I stayed, and if you do too you'll hear all about it. But I bet you believed every single thing they said about me. Even after knowing me for so long. You believed every fucking lie didn't you." Y/n got up and shoved her chair aside, circling Katsuki with her face inches away from his.

"You've always been so goddamn gullible." She spat, earning an impressed smirk from Dabi. "Fuck off..." Katsuki grimaced, not able to meet her intense gaze. "I can't blame you... They are quite convincing with all that hero bullshit... I mean it wasn't until a while ago when I personally accepted that they were never going to come for me, and that dreaming of becoming one of them was worthless. That was a little after seeing my face on a newspaper with the title 'teen suicide'."

She leaned back and sighed with her hands on her waist. "I think... I just simply wasn't that marketable y'know." Y/n pouted with a shrug. "Quirkless teenage girl who loves heroes wants to become a hero. There are too many of us, either quirkless or with a bad quirk. Doesn't sell, it's not marketable. But you... You sure are Kacchan. I mean c'mon, you have to admit. They advertised the shit out of your humiliation on that stand." He winced at the nickname, not having heard it from her mouth in a long time. "They milked you for all you were worth. And they're going to do it again and again and again-" "Deku's looking for you." He interrupted, trying to shut her up. Her smile dropped and her face scrunched up with a frown.

"Huh?" Her throat felt dry. "He hasn't stopped, started the day you got pronounced dead. I... told him he shouldn't... Doesn't fuckin' matter. He was right. Don't you dare let him see you like this. It'd break him. Stop this fucking bullshit Y/n, you are not a villain-" "You do not know what I am!" She snapped, breaking her act. This was genuine anger. Anger and resentment spilling after being bottled up for so many years. She hated how he cast her and Izuku aside all because of some dumb quirk. "You can't say that you know me after you left me like a damn rag! And if you feel genuinely sorry then fucking wake up and join me when I'm trying to help you out."

Y/n swallowed her anger, controlling herself and making sure that no one would catch her slipping up again. She bit her tongue and glanced at the other League members, who were watching her like she was prey. Y/n had to make sure he got the hint. This was her only chance. She has to leave before she dies at All for One's hands. Before they both do. "I promise you. You won't regret this. That's one thing that's never changed about me. You know that I never break a promise, Kacchan. Right?" She leaned, her eyes staring very intensely into his. Her eyebrows were raised and her teeth were clenched.

"I promise I'll never ever become one."

'C'mon Kacchan...'

"...You're right. I don't know you anymore."

𝘞𝘈𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘋//𝘐. 𝘔𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘺𝘢 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now