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A week had gone by since she woke up. No one to the rescue yet, she's beginning to think that she should do it herself. But at least she gained more privileges now. Like being able to walk around the building that she was in. She was told that the furthest she can go is the bar above the place she was being held in. Further than that and she'll be locked in her room again. Y/n obeyed, she wanted to map out the place first. And to be frank, she's quite unsure if the consequences of her disobeying might be more severe. Especially after she found out what Shigaraki's quirk was.

It had been two days since Y/n woke up in the stingy, ugly room. Since her arrival, she's been getting regular visits from this Tomura Shigaraki man. He is... Creepy. But he had moments where he was kind, understanding. Y/n didn't talk much about herself. She asked him lots of questions though. "Do you have a quirk?" She blurted out once. He hummed. "What is it?" Prodded the girl, staring intensely at him. She discovered that it was helpful in getting him to speak. Shigaraki glanced at her through his eyelashes and sighed. "Fine.. If it'll shut you up... What's something you're willing to sacrifice in this room?"

Y/n hummed. Then she pointed at the door. "That's fine with me." She smiled, and he rolled his eyes. "Nice try dip shit." He dug out a bloody tissue from his pocket. Y/n suspected that it might be blood from the scratch marks on his neck, they looked like they were freshly wounded by his aggressive scratching. He took off the glove that he always wore while visiting Y/n and grabbed the tissue with his bare hands, making it crumble into dust. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. It was a mix of fear and excitement.

The part of her that was focused on escaping was utterly terrified because if he caught her she'd be incinerated. The other part was the part that was just getting used to Shigaraki and thought that this was one of the coolest quirks she'd ever seen and wished she had her notebooks with her. "Holy shit man!" She exclaimed. She didn't show him the scared part of herself, that's not gonna help her escape. "Yeah, it's terrifying, whatever-" "That's so- do it again! How do you do it? You need all fingers right? I mean your glove only covers two fingers. Or are those the ones who do it?"

"Jesus christ do you ever shut up?" He groaned loudly. "Oh c'mon this is the first time someone doesn't piss themselves when they see you quirk, you owe me some answers at least.." She sassed back. "...You are such a little asshole kid, did you know that? ..Yeah I need all of em'. And no you can't see it again." He retorted while putting his glove back on.


Besides, she still wanted to know the reason why the 'boss' wanted her so badly.

Well, today was one of the days she decided to abuse her privileges and walk around. Shigaraki wasn't here today, he said something about a mission, but not much else. So after she finished her morning workout, she left her 'room' to walk around. It was odd, there were significantly fewer people around the base today. She would've taken her chance to leave, that is if there weren't a thousand CCTV cameras glaring into her soul. The perfect opportunity is yet to rise.

In the meanwhile, she went up to the bar, her limited final location. She stared at the shelves full of drinks and picked one up. Whiskey. Y/n opened it, taking a curious sip. Her face scrunched up with disgust at the taste and she returned the bottle quicker than she picked it up. "Eugh.. And people pay for this..?" She grumbled. Y/n continued her journey of finding a non-alcoholic drink. "They need to have at least one drinkable thing.."

Y/n sat on one of the stools, sadly sipping on her water. She started to think. How is Hana doing? Is the shop okay? Did she close it? She doesn't work well under stress... And did Izuku get into U.A.? Did Katsuki? She knew that Katsuki wanted to go as well.

𝘞𝘈𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘋//𝘐. 𝘔𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘺𝘢 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now