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Y/N, 17

After two years on the streets, The White Rose had finally become a household name in the underground world. Which also meant that she'd found herself in trouble more often than not. It's not like she wasn't already constantly in trouble, she was still wanted all across Japan. Along with its neighbouring countries. Oh and the USA. But that was because she was associated with the league. The white rose was a different person for all the government knew. To them, she was just a new disease to get rid of in the rising pestilence of underground vigilantes.

The white rose couldn't have been Y/n, because the white rose had a quirk, and there was no proof of Y/n receiving a quirk before her escape. And there's no way that All for One would've given that information up. The league's advancements halted to a stop when Y/n ran off with the strongest healing quirk developed so far, making it impossible for All for One to pass his quirk to a person without killing them. Not even Shigaraki. After the league allied itself with the Meta Liberation Army and waged war on the heroes, league members were defeated one by one.

But they haven't given up, even after finding themselves locked up in the deepest layers of Tartarus. So Y/n wasn't off the hook either, the government weren't the only people scouring and digging to find her. The league had people in and out of prison, and those people were also tearing up the streets to get to her. Well, to get to her quirk. The league didn't have enough people outside to bust themselves out, but even if they did, what use would it be if they didn't have the quirk that would allow them to put their plans into action? They'd just be in the same position they were in before they got defeated.

Now what they'd do to Y/n after getting her in their hands again was still not decided. But it will be grim, is what her guess would be.

During that year Y/n wasn't completely out of use to the public. She helped a lot. Her aid during the war did not go under-appreciated by the poor and unfortunate citizens that she'd helped after they had been overlooked or forgotten by rescue teams. She was involved, but not close enough to the fire to be noticed by either side.

Y/n fought for the underdogs who got attacked when heroes were too busy, and she made a name for herself defending the people who usually aren't paid much attention. Mutant-type quirks, the poor and unemployed, the homeless, and anyone who has lost hope in heroes, in life and in society.

But not being able to participate in society normally wasn't that much of an inconvenience. The only thing she had to do in order to keep herself safe from the government and league dogs was to wear masks whenever she left her house whether as the white rose or just a normal citizen. Basically, she couldn't show her face to anyone. Ever. Maybe it was an inconvenience. I do tend to understate things, don't I? I guess I'm not a super trustworthy narrator.

Nevertheless, covering her face didn't keep Y/n from trouble. Probably because she tended to dive into it head first. You would too with a quirk that made you death-proof and the skills of a martial art menace. And Y/n was always eager to test her limits, whether it was quirk-wise, mental-wise or skill-wise. Which leads us to a fateful night, when Y/n found herself lying face down on a roof, her body riddled with bullets.

To cut a long story short, botched armed robbery. She knocked them out, left them at the scene, and collapsed like a house of cards on her way home after bleeding continuously. Much like a squeezed sponge. "Augh... This is gonna take ages to heal... I look like swiss cheese..." She pitifully wailed, clutching the seeping, hot bullet wound on the side of her head. Not the first time she'd been shot in the head, but it was still an unusual feeling.

It was a few months into the job when she discovered that she could survive and regenerate after a bullet to the ol' noggin; not a fun experience, but it made her truly understand why this quirk was so important to her grandfather.

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