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"Why don't you start us off, Y/n." Aizawa spoke up, breaking the silence between the five of us. I was given a couple of minutes to wash my blood off my face with a warm wet towel and drink some water before we were all sat down in my father's study, with a table dividing us. Sitting in between Izuku and Katsuki on the couch, while Aizawa and my father sat across from the table on two comfortable looking seats, was far from an ideal way to spend the precious early morning hours that I could be sleeping through. "Right. Yes. I'm sure you're confused why I just showed up to your house after seven years of knowing that... well, you know." I began.

Awkwardly tapping my foot on the hardwood floor and staring at it to avoid eye contact with the older blond man in front of me, I shut my eyes, and the memories began to flood in a single line. "I was kidnapped on my way to the U.A. entrance exam seven years and two months ago. It was Shigaraki and Kurogiri who lured me into an alley, knocked me out and took me. I was unconscious for two days, during which I was declared dead my the government due to it being the favourable outcome given my background."

Aizawa already knew this, but I could see the rest grimace. I elected to keep my eyes shut, mostly to focus and get this over with as quickly as possible. My story wasn't exactly a walk in the park, y'know. "They let it be known as soon as I got there that I wasn't a prisoner, that I was one of them, and that I wasn't kidnapped but reclaimed. I decided to wait, I hoped that I'd get rescued and focused on staying alive." I made the mistake of opening my eyes to see how they'd react after I said that, not even Aizawa knew that piece of information.

It was just as I'd expected, guilty and remorseful expressions, some of them couldn't even look in my direction. Izuku and my father– couldn't look in my direction. "I was allowed to walk around the hideout, which I used to map out the place. A week later, USJ happened." An image of Shigaraki groaning in a pool of his own blood flashed in my mind, I've seen that image multiple times since then but with an assorted collection of faces. None that I'd personally known, barely any that I could remember. It's different when you know the person, even if you don't especially love them. And I say love because I did like Shigaraki. Well, at least the one that took care of me when I first got there.

"While I was getting the medical kit for Shigaraki, I overheard him talking to All for One. He said that they should gather more members and speed up my...my process." I recalled the fear I'd felt when I heard that. Without realising, I had paused for a long time, staring mindlessly at the grooves on the table on front of me. "Y/n?" Katsuki nudged me, snapping me out of my tired daze. "Do you need a break?" My father asked, but I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. Sorry. I'll keep going." I said before taking a deep breath.

"He introduced himself and what he was to me, and then proceeded to tell me that my parents weren't civilians who died in a plane crash, but were in fact his daughter and... you." I finally gained the courage to look him in his eyes, sunken, but filled with emotion. "My mom was sick, quirkless and couldn't receive his quirk. He didn't pay attention to her, but she craved it, for some reason. He tried to pass it on, but it almost killed her. That's when she gave up on trying to be the successor and focused on making one."

"Oh Christ..." Katsuki grimaced, and I hadn't thought about how grim the reason I came to this world was since I learned about it. I should discuss that with my therapist, If I ever get the chance to see her again, that is. "Well, she picked the strongest man, and pretended to be his secretary for a while. I'm sure you know that part." I mumbled, he nodded. "She was a wonderful, hard-working woman despite her illnesses. She took great care of me and I loved her more than everyone. I still do. You look like her." My father hummed thoughtfully.

"Before she disappeared, I gave her earrings, instead of a ring, to propose. Two white roses. She told me she didn't like rings. All I have left of her is this one," He sighed, pulling out a silk cloth from his pocket and unfurling it to reveal the other earring. I touched the white rose earring on my right ear and gasped softly. I took it off with care, and stretched my palm out with it in the centre. He stared at it with disbelief, then looked back up at me before placing his earring into my palm and closing it.

𝘞𝘈𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘋//𝘐. 𝘔𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘺𝘢 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now