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3 Days Later


There's not a day without missing Jin, I always think about him, I know I'm selfish doing this, I've hurt him by leaving him alone and now I miss him and hope to be back with him.

Today my mother said she would visit me, she had something important to talk about, so I decided not to work today.


When my mother arrived, she immediately hugged me tightly while rubbing my back.

"Are you okay? You look thinner than before."

"I'm fine, I just haven't had an appetite lately, let's go in Mom"

"How does it feel to live alone in this house? you must be very lonely"

"Of course, I miss him a lot Mom, I regret my decision"

We sat in the living room, she didn't take her hand off mine.

"Son, do you love him? I know this question is weird, but I need to make sure."

"I love him so much Mom, I wish I could make him come back to me, but I don't think I have that chance, I don't know where he is now, the last time I went to his office but they said he hasn't been in the office for a long time because of personal matters"

"I know where he is"

"What? do you know where he is? how-"

"A few days ago after you told me everything, I tried to contact him. I said I wanted to meet him but he said he wasn't in Seoul."

"Then where is he? is he okay? does he have a new boyfriend? Or is he married?"

"I didn't ask that far, I said I would go there to meet him and say something important, but I don't think I should be the one to say that important thing"

"What do you mean Mom?"

"You have to do it yourself"

"But what if he already has a relationship with someone else?"

"Is that more important than expressing your feelings?"

"I will ruin the relationship if I tell you about my feelings Mom, I will look very selfish"

"Aren't you selfish?"


"Haha for love you need to be a little more selfish, tell the truth so he knows what you've been feeling"

I immediately hugged my mother tightly and my tears immediately flowed.

"Thank you Mom, you are the best, I love you"


I prepared lunch because today Jungkook's mother will come to see me. I was so nervous, I didn't know what to say when she saw my pregnancy.

But I will accept all the risks. My pregnancy wasn't a mistake so I don't have to cover it up.

After a while the bell rang, I immediately approached and when I opened the door, my eyes opened very wide to see someone in front of me.


Unknowingly tears rolled down my cheeks, I wanted to hug him but I had to hold myself back.

"How did you get here? what.. your mother?"

"I'm sorry Jin, my mother didn't mean to lie to you, but she asked me to tell you myself"

"Tell me? about what?"

"Can we talk inside? Is your boyfriend in there?"

"Ahh yes of course, please come in, I'm alone"

SO FAR AWAY // JINKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now