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Jin opened his eyes with his head still heavy from last night's hangover, he tried to remember what happened, but when the memories came back he only felt tears and disappointment.

Today was their first wedding anniversary, he hoped what Jungkook did was just a surprise. He had even prepared a gift for his husband, something simple but meaningful.

Jin got out of bed and he decided to work from home today because the effects of last night's hangover had not gone away from his body, he came out of the room and saw his husband's room was empty. So he decided to go down to the kitchen, there was no one there, in this house, it was just Jin and the silence.

After eating breakfast Jin returned to his room to take a shower and after that went to his study to work.

He looked around for his phone and remembered that he left it at the office at lunch yesterday.

"Ahh anyway no one will contact me.." He said to himself and continued his work.

Time flew so fast that it was time for lunch, he remembered what happened last night, he shouldn't have said that to his husband. He felt guilty.

"I have to apologize to him"

Yes he has to apologize to his husband, so he decides to go to his husband's office to take him to lunch and give him the gift he prepared beforehand, they haven't eaten together in a long time, maybe this will be a happy day for both of them.

Jin immediately got ready and started the car and then went to Jungkook's office, without further information, Jin hoped that his husband was at the office and had not prepared for lunch.

Arriving at the office, all the employees looked at Jin with strange looks, they greeted Jin, but their gazes were very strange, when Jin arrived in front of his husband's room, Lisa looked at Jin with an unusual face.

"Lisa, is Jungkook in there?"

He just kept silent and lowered his head. Without thinking anything Jin opened the door and what did he see? He saw with his own eyes. The mixed feelings inside him, made his stomach hurt, his heart beat wildly, his head suddenly dizzy and his body trembled.

Jin watched the two people in front of him kissing.
Jungkook sat at his desk facing the door and the man was between his legs with his arms around Jungkook's neck. That was enough to make Jin stare at them. Unknowingly he dropped the box in his hands on the floor and immediately made the two of them startled and looked in the same direction, at Jin.

Jin who realized, immediately wiped his tears and left the room, Jungkook tried to chase him but someone who was with him held his hand.

"Where are you going?"

"Please, I have to talk to him, I'm going to meet you later, i have to go"

Jungkook chased after Jin again and stopped in front of the door to pick up the box that Jin had dropped, then ran after Jin again. But Jin is gone, Jin left faster than Jungkook.

Jungkook immediately went to the parking lot and started the car then went to their house. When he arrived he saw Jin's car parked there and immediately ran to find Jin inside.

When he entered he called Jin, but there was no answer, he looked into the kitchen, searched the whole room but there was no Jin, but only one room he had not opened, their bedroom.

Jungkook opened their bedroom and saw Jin sitting on the bed, Jin turned to Jungkook who was standing at the door.

"Hey, are you guys done?" Jin said with a smile.

Jungkook walked over to Jin and sat beside Jin feeling guilty.

"I can explain Jin, it's not what you think"

"I didn't think anything of it, sorry I bothered you, I just came to give you a small gift"


"Don't say anything Jungkook, I don't want to hear anything right now, but I just want to make sure of one thing"


"Do you still love me Jungkook?"

Jin looked at Jungkook's face but not Jungkook, he just looked down when he didn't answer anything.

"It's okay if it's difficult for you to answer, it must have been difficult for you all this time Jungkook, I know I always shut myself up at the beginning of our marriage, every time you touch me, every time you ask us to make love I always reject you, it must be hard for you, but I want you to know that it's also very hard for me, I'm afraid Jungkook, I'm afraid of failing again when I'm pregnant, I'm afraid of losing my child again, I'm not ready for all the possibilities that are in front of me. But I didn't even think about looking for someone else, now I feel guilty for myself, I should have died at that time and you shouldn't have chosen me to be saved at that time."

"Jin I don't regret choosing you at that time, I just, I know I was wrong Jin, I'm angry, I'm disappointed with your attitude, you were selfish and didn't think about me at that time, I know you lost, but it's our child, so it's not just you who lost but me too, not only you are scared but me too, but where were you when i was scared? when i need your hug You just locked yourself in your room and didn't say anything to me. I need someone to talk to, but every time I talk to you you just cry, making me feel guilty every day. Until I met Soobin, he accompanied me when I was down, he became my friend who listened to all my complaints Jin, where were you at that time?"

"I've never been anywhere Jungkook, I'm still here in the same place. It's my fault, I ignored you, I didn't pay attention to you, I left you alone in your hardest time. I should be by your side, calming you down at that time, but I chose to calm myself, yes I am selfish"

"Jin I'm sorry but I can't go on in a relationship like that, you're right I want to have children, I want to have a family with you, but—"

"You love him?"

"It's not about love Jin"

"Then what about? if you love me you won't be there with him Jungkook, has he been with you these two months? the one who made you forget that you were married? if there is someone waiting for you at home, is he the one who has been keeping you busy all this time Jungkook? If you loved me, I shouldn't have seen you kissing him, a kiss that should have been mine, but is no longer mine."

Jungkook was silent and when Jin stood up, Jungkook held Jin's hand.

"Stay here Jin, let me get out of this house"

Jin's tears streamed down his cheeks when he heard those words.

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