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After my short chat with Jin, I decided to go home, I don't want to bother him anymore, I know now he is happy and I can't spoil his happiness.

"Jin, I have to go"

"Yeah, take care of yourself"

"Hm can I touch your womb?"

"Of course"

When I touched it, I felt something strange, something like... me.

"Hey baby, you will be very happy when you know who gave birth to you, don't ever make him cry, because I'm sure he and your father will always take care of you with all their heart"


When I arrived at the hotel I immediately called my mother.


"Hey Son, what's up? How's Jin? Did you guys meet?"

"Yeah, we've met, but--"

"But what? What's wrong Jungkook?"

"I think that's enough for here Mom, maybe disappearing from her life can make her a lot happier"

"What do you mean?"

"He's pregnant Mom"


"Yes, he is pregnant and now he is 3 months pregnant, he is happy Mom, he has forgotten me, he doesn't love me anymore" I cried.

"What did you say? Jin is 3 months pregnant? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure, he said himself"

"Wait a minute, could it be that he cheated on you while he was still married to you?"

"What do you mean Mom? he can't be cheating"

"You are sure?"

"Of course I'm sure"

"Then that means he's pregnant with your child Jungkook?"

"What? but--"

"But what?"

"He said it was the first time he did that with me Mom, but could it be???"

"Jungkook don't be stupid! Yes of course possible, unless he cheated on you while he was married to you, I'm sure it's your baby, I'm sure he's carrying your baby Jungkook"

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