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Finally the meeting ended at 6 pm, I immediately left the office and stopped at the convenience store near my house to buy ice cream. I bought as many as I could and headed straight home.

When I arrived home, I saw that the house was very quiet, I called Jin but there was no answer, my mind immediately went back to that time, did something happen to Jin?

I dropped a plastic bag containing ice cream on the floor and ran to our room, I didn't find Jin there, there was no one in the bathroom either, I searched the whole room but there was no Jin anywhere, how is that possible? did something happen?

I sat on my bed and cried, I tried to call Jin but he didn't pick up my phone, what should I do?

Until suddenly the sound of my phone ringing, I saw it and it was a call from Jin so I immediately picked it up.

"Hello Jin, where are you? are you okay? why are you not home? I am very worried"

"Jungkook, I'm sorry"

"Why are you apologizing? where are you? why are you sorry Jin? Tell me I'll be there soon."

"Taehyung and my father were at home, so I went to your parents' house with them, sorry I didn't tell you beforehand, I was too excited to meet them, are you angry?"

"Jin.." I just cry, I'm relieved he's okay.

"You cry? did i make you cry? I'm sorry, should I go there?"

"No! stay there, I'm at home, I'm worried when I know you're not here, I'll be there soon, wait for me"

"Forgive me"

"You have to convey it directly Jin"

"Hurry up here we are waiting for you, I love you"

"I love you both"

I hung up the phone, my body still shaking at the memory. But thankfully that didn't happen and I'm sure it won't happen again.

When I found out Jin was at my parents' house, I immediately went downstairs and I was very surprised to see someone standing looking at me while holding ice cream in his hand, the ice cream I bought for Jin.

"Hey my boy, did you miss me?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I want to meet you, we haven't been together for a long time, don't you miss me?"

He came closer to me and stood in front of me.

"Get out of my house"

"So bad, you kicked me out again"

When he tried to touch my face I immediately pushed his hand away.

"Don't you dare to touch me!"

"Why? didn't you ever allow me to do that, is it because your husband is pregnant? he won't be angry Jungkook, he will always forgive you, besides he's not here, why don't we do it now? you can fuck me"

"Don't be crazy! We're not going to do anything in this house, you better get out before I call the police."


I'm very happy today to be able to gather with my whole family, after Jungkook called me not long after Taehyung called me and said that he and my father were near my house, they stopped by and I told them that Jungkook was still at the office, so they offered to go with them, but I forgot to tell Jungkook about this, he must be worried when he finds out I'm not home.

Me and the others were waiting for Jungkook in the living room.

"Jin I'm very happy to see you, you look very healthy and happy" His mother sat beside me and stroked my back.

"Hyung, did you tell Jungkook Hyung when you were here?" Taehyung said.

"Yeah, I called him earlier, he's at home and worried because I'm not there"

"Yeah, since that incident he's been very traumatized Jin" his father said.

"During my pregnancy he didn't let me do everything myself, he treated me very well, it's my fault I didn't tell him and made him worry, but he said he'd be here soon"

"Okay, let's wait for him to arrive here and after that have dinner together" his mother said.


It's been almost 2 hours after he said he would be here but he still hasn't come, I'm afraid something has happened.

I tried to call him but he didn't pick up the phone.

Suddenly it rained heavily, why do I feel bad, did something happen to him? He still hasn't picked up my phone. I have to go back home, I have to make sure everything is okay.

I saw my father and his parents talking on the back porch, it was just me and Taehyung in the living room.

"Tae where are your car keys?"

"What for?"

"I left my stuff in the car, where are your car keys?"


I immediately went to his car and went to my house, I couldn't tell them all if I wanted to catch up with Jungkook, they wouldn't let me drive when it rained. But I don't feel good, I feel something bad happened to Jungkook.

I immediately stepped on the gas to my house, I hope there is nothing bad there.

SO FAR AWAY // JINKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now