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Suddenly the sound of the bell ringing made us stop and stare at each other. Who came here this early.

"Let me out" Jungkook said and got out of bed, put on his clothes and went out.

After a long time I waited, he didn't come back so I intended to go to him and when I came down from the stairs I was surprised to see Soobin was hugging Jungkook while crying, Jungkook didn't see me so I went straight back to the room.

What is he doing here? And why is he hugging Jungkook? why is he crying? All these questions just pop up.

I decided to take a shower and when I got out of the bathroom I still hadn't seen him come back into the room. So I went out to take a look, but I didn't see the two of them.

So I went downstairs and called Jungkook but there was no response, where are they? I got out and saw Jungkook's car wasn't in the parking lot. When did they leave? Why didn't Jungkook tell me? Why did he leave me and go with him?


2 weeks later

Actually nothing changed after that day, he still came home late at night and left while I was still sleeping. But he started kissing me often during weekends and spending time at home.

Today I woke up because of nausea, I remember last night I was late for eating, maybe because of that this morning my stomach became very nauseous. Today Jungkook at home because it's Saturday, he's not going anywhere just watching TV as usual.

I went downstairs to walk over to him and sat beside him, hugging him and resting my head on his chest, his hands on my shoulders and caressing me.



"Did you change your perfume?"

"I haven't showered yet"

"Then whose scent is this?"

He tugged at his shirt and sniffed it.

"Perfume? I don't smell anything."

"I like the smell" I stroked his chest.

"What's the matter with you Jin?"

"Nothing, are you hungry? I'll make breakfast"

I got up and went to the kitchen, while I was cutting the ingredients, the nausea came back and made me stop. I have to eat fast before my nausea gets worse.

When my food was ready, I immediately called Jungkook and he walked over to the kitchen, I sat in front of him and then we ate together. But when the food entered my mouth I immediately felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom. I threw up everything.

"Jin, what's wrong?" Jungkook ran to the bathroom and came over to me, rubbing my back.

"I don't know, I feel really nauseous today"

"We have to go to the doctor now"

"I'm not sick Jungkook, it's just nausea"

"Hurry and change your clothes, we are going to the doctor now"

What's wrong with him?

I changed clothes and went to the hospital with Jungkook. While on the road he always held my hand and kissed it.

"Jungkook you have to focus on the road"

"My eyes focus on the road"

"But not your lips, tmy hands are wet"

"Okay I won't kiss you again, but let me hold you"

This is what I always miss, I'm sure he will return to the way he used to be, he will keep his promise.


I've been suspicious of his behavior lately, when he sleeps he always sniffs me and now he feels nauseous, I hope the good news will come today.

When I arrived at the hospital, I registered Jin at the obstetrician, but Jin didn't know about this.

"Why do we go to here? I'm just nauseous Jungkook, do you think I'm pregnant?"

"Why not?"


"Mr. Jeon Seokjin, please come in." The nurse called me and told me to come in. I immediately grabbed Jungkook's hand tightly.

"Hello, good morning Mr. Jeon Seokjin and..." The doctor said.

"Jeon Jungkook"

"And Mr. Jeon Jungkook, what's his complaint today?"

"I'm just nauseous doc, but it's only been a day"

"Have you guys been having sex a lot lately?"

"Two weeks ago doc"

"Please lie down on the bed, I'll check your stomach"

After checking Jin again sat beside me. I could see the happy look on the doctor's face.

"Congratulations Mr. Jeon, you are pregnant, you are 1 week pregnant, because is still young so please be careful is very vulnerable"

"Pregnant?" He saw me and had tears in his eyes. I hugged him tightly and cried on his shoulder.

"Thank you Jin, thank you!!! i love you"

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