Chapter 53

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"Um, excuse me?"

You jumped atleast 5 feet away from the ground and you clutched your heart, obviously startled as you turned around slowly, mentally repeatedly hoping it wouldn't be the same person who will end your life right here and now.

You were met by a pair of gray eyes. Fully taking in the whole appearance of this unknown person, she appears to be younger than you, a freshman or so. She has gray silky medium-length hair that perfectly matches her shining hues.

She also appears to be younger than you and obviously since you haven't seen someone like her around Rakuzan High, you believe she doesn't attend this school.

You looked at the shorter being with pure confusion written on your face as well as the face that means, 'Who are you and how on earth did you manage to enter the school premises?' kind of face.

You were about to open your mouth to say that but was quickly stopped when the anonymous girl spoke up first.

"A-Are... are you okay?"

You flinched slightly, taken aback by the suddeness of her question. Not to mention a stranger is concerned of you.

"I'm fine?" You replied although it seems to be more of a question than a normal reply. You furrowed your eyebrows at the small kawaii stranger.

"Your eyes are telling otherwise." She mumbles timidly although it was still audible for you to hear.

You softly cringed, really worried of who this person is. 'Who is she?' You thought to yourself, getting yourself ready just in case this person is planning to push you over the rooftop.

"I-I'm sorry if I startled you! b-but my name is Sonia, Sonia Hoshigomu." She squeaks out as you awkwardly nod your head, still really confused.

"Hoshigomu... Are you related to the vice principal?" You asked, tilting your head as the girl, apparently named Sonia, nods her head eagerly.

"Y-Yeah! And well, I was here the whole time and I believe you didn't know I was here. You look very troubled and I was wondering if there is something bothering you? I-I would like to help."

"Ah, no. Nothing's bothering me." You reassured Sonia, waving your hands in the air as you sweatdropped. 'This is getting creepy, I should really go.'

She says nothing in reply but just stares really long in your eyes, her dull gray eyes literally pinpointed on your own (e/c) hues.

"Alright!" She says happily, clapping her hands together for a moment.

"You should really get to your class, senpai. You don't want to arrive late now would you?" She says, before turning on her heel, leaving you on the rooftop all alone as you stood there, shocked by the sudden change of atmosphere.

After blinking for a few times, you finally collected yourself, still demented on the encounter with Sonia.

You let out an awkward grumble, speedwalking towards the flight of stairs inorder for you to reach your first period as quick as possible, just what Sonia had remindes you not long ago.

You reached your classmate, 5 minutes to spare before the first period could even start. Upon stepping inside the room, your eyes landed to where Akashi sits, where he was supposed to sit.

"You finding your prince charming? He's at basketball practice." Someone says and you looked down, seeing Megumu, her usual bright smile on her face.

You unconciously let out a sigh of relief, placing your hand over your hand, an unknown present tension fading away from your shoulders.

"I see..." You mumbled, smiling to Megumi as she nodded. You walked towards your chair and placed your bag on it before sitting down.

Class has started and everything was really quiet, all of your classmates and including you, as everyone quietly took the tests.

You suddenly stopped writing, glancing over to the empty seat beside you where Akashi was supposed to be is supposed doing the same as everyone else in the room.

You let out a quiet sigh and frowned, returning your attention on the test.

"I hope he isn't going to ignore me..." You thought, feeling your heart pang against your chest slightly, biting your lip.


T i m e s k i p

It was now lunch break and you decided it would be better to eat where you were this morning, the rooftop.

You picked up your food from your bag and walked through the hallways silently, going up the stairs.

You opened the door, a slight breeze meeting you as you did so.

"Oh, hi!" A cheery voice speaks up, startling you once again. You scanned the rooftop, your (e/c) eyes landing on a specific gray-haired and eyed female who goes by the name, Sonia.

"Sonia-chan, what are you doing here?" You asked, tilting your head to the side as you approached her, sitting down on the floor right next to her.

"I'm eating." She bluntly says but it was followed by a soft giggle, glancing down at her own packed bento, feeling like an idiot on how you didn't even see the bento in the first place.

You looked at her for a few moments before opening your packed lunch, quietly starting to eat as well.

Everything was quiet, only both of you and Sonia occupying the rooftop, the sounds of food getting munched, the whistling of the wind and the rustling leaves were the only sounds audible enough. It was really really quiet.

The quietness then was broken when Sonia spoke up. "Say, I never caught your name." She says, mouth filled with whatever her food was.

You looked up, swallowing your food before replying.

'Well, she doesn't look creepy as I think she is. She looks really friendly so, why not?' You thought to yourself before speaking up.

"I'm (F/N) (L/N), nice to meet you." You flashed her a quick smile, continuing on eating your food.

"(F/N)- *munch* (L/N)? You have a really pretty name." She wholeheartedly compliments, your cheeks becoming slightly warm.

"A-Ah! Not really! My name was actually unplanned." You retorted, laughing alongside as you shook your head.

"Then if your name is unplanned then, your parents must really do have a good taste in names. I salute them." She giggles as you giggled as well.

As it turns out, you were right. Your first encounter with Sonia might really be creepy and all but she actually is really sweet,kind and elegant than you think.

For the rest of lunch time, you talked a somehow neverending conversation with her. You both talked about eachother and you even managed to get to know more about Sonia. Apparently, she's the niece of the vice-principal and is here because every end of the school year, she spends time with his uncle.

Your supposedly horrible day was turned upside down, Sonia managing to lift up your spirits like an angel who could make anyone smile in anyway.

"(L/N)-san, I'm not trying to be nosy or anything but..."

You looked up at her, eyebrows furrowed as you awaited for her continuation.

"Do you love Akashi-san?"

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