Chapter 63

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"Megumi, I don't see how we need to wear these kind of clothes, especially when you consider it to be a whopping 38 degrees outside."

You said, gesturing to the complete black outfir you were wearing. You had kept on disagreeing with her regarding to her plans but being the number one shipper, she would not even take no for an answer.

You had ought to stay for a very long time under the shower so her plans would be disrupted but again, being how she is, she knocked down your bathroom door while you shriek in horror as she completely saw you naked.

You remember her words while you shrieked out loud. "Oh c'mon, (F/N)-chan! No need to be so embarrassed!" She laughed loudly.

"Atleast you have them..." She quietly mumbled to herself but her words echoed as it was your turn to laugh.

Megumi in reply, glared at you, throwing your bottle of shampoo towards your head.

"Just hurry up!"

And so now here you are, Megumi dragging you in the middle of the sidewalk, the burning rays of the sun getting absorbed by the black clothing you both wore.

"You're so heavy! Nngh..." She grumbled, continuing to pull you from where you stood and to wherever she can even take you to, you still disinterested with her plans.

"You wouldn't be torturing yourself if you went on alone rather, if you didn't even continued this." You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose with your free hand while the other one was being pulled by your friend.

"It's too late to turn back now!" She whisper-shouted, pointing to a small yet exquisite home. You followed to where she was pointing and you swore you felt like your eyeballs literally bulged out.

There stood Sonia, wearing a long yet simple white spring dress that was embroided with alot of flowers in the shade of vermillion.

She stood on the mahogany-colored porch as she glanced to look at her watch from time to time.

"How did yo-"

"Find her house? Well that's a secret but I'll let you know that I have alot of friends here." She giggled as you looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm not going to even ask who these friends are..." You mumbled, cringing. Turning to your heel to walk away but was soon pulled back again.

"Megumi! I said I don't want to- What the flipping ostriches is this?!" Your speech pattern and tone suddenly changed, seeing a midnight black car stop infront of the said house.

You can now feel the triumphant aura coursing out of Megumi's own body as you pulled her towards the back of a bush, nearing the house even more.

You pushed a group of leaves aside, making you get a better view on what was going on at the not much far away from the bush.

"She better wipe that smile off of her face before I strangle her and-" You shushed your companion, covering her mouth with your hand as you brought her close.

Seeing the scene unfold infront of you made you irritated,annoyed and jealous at the same time. All of the 'disinterested declining' actions were like washed by a strong current of waves called 'I shouldn't be doing this but I suddenly became interested'.

You unconciously let out an angry huffed, making Megumu snicker against your hand. You felt your head being moved away.

"Someone's jealouuuus~" She snickered as you replied with breaking a small branch of the bush and smacking it upon her face with a growl.

"I am not jealous. I'm just really deeply irritated and somehow interested is all." You grumbled under your breath, eyebrows into a thin angry line.

You turned your head back to where Sonia's house was, only to find no one and even the car to be seen near it.

Your eyes widened and yoy quickly stood up, frantically searching for that exact midnight black car.

"Where did it go?!" You asked to no one in particular. Megumi placed her hand on your shoulder and pointed to a direction as you followed her hand again.

For a swift moment, there you saw the tail of the car and you quickly went to a sprint while Megumi stood there for awhile, taking things in a slow manner.

She fishes out a notepad and a ballpen, checking a box where words were written beside it saying, 'Make sure (F/N)-chan chases the car like an idiot lost in love'.

What it seems to be like forever (20 minutes) of chasing after the car while simultaneously staying hidden as possible and while also simultaneously trying to cover eachother's mouths since you and Megumi were both screaming after the car, which would probably blow your cover.

Megumu suddenly stops you from running by grabbing onto your arm. "Wha-! Megumi-chan, what are yoy doing?! We're going to lose track of the car!" You huffed angrily.

She pointed upwards as you followed the direction to where her finger was poiting and you saw the glowing sign of a standing red stickman as you glared at her and broke out of her grip.

"I don't care about the damn traffic regulations! We need to follow that car!" You shouted, breaking to a sprint once again.

"Make sure that (F/N)-chan decides to chase after them even if she breaks traffic regulations.. check." Megumi whispered, checking the small box before placing the notepad back into her jacket, just in time for the digital glowing man to turn green as she chased after you.

Your legs were feeling like jelly but you could careless. You don't know how why you suddenly turned like how Megumi wants to sabotage Akashi and Sonia's date. It just suddenly changed without warning.

You stopped running as you hid behind a nearby tree, not that far from (Random Restaurant) in which where they would be having their so called date.

You panted heavily, sweat trickling down on the side of your forehead as you peeked from the side of the thick brown bark, eyebrows twitching as you saw how Sonia was practically clinging onto Akashi like glue.

"Get away from what is mine, Sonia."

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