Chapter 70

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You stood there on the same spot, you're hand still up in the air, your expression as vicious as a tigers as you stared at Sonia who seems to be still in shock from the slap you had just done on her face.

"Don't you ever fucking say that ever again to my face." You growled, crossing your arms in front of your chest as the shorter girl finally regained focus on the situation right now as she huffed in a sarcastic way.

"Oh, I will. Why? That is because Akashi-sama is or either, will be mine! Plus, didn't you see how he looks at me? You stalker." She smirked, crossing her arms thinking she had just won this battle.

But oh, it only had just started.

"The way he looks at you with disgust? I sure did." You giggled at how Sonia's eyebrows quickly knitted at your words. She was about to respond but sadly she just couldn't finding no words to form a smartass comeback, she just lunged at you, quickly tangling her fingers into your (H/C) hair.

"You take that back! My Akashi-sama looks at me with love not in disgust. None like you ever!" She growled back. With her grabbing onto your locks wasn't being a helping the situation at all as you immediately did the same, pulling as hard as you can onto her gray strands.

"Your Akashi-sama? Excuse me, but I believe he belongs to me! I was the one before you even decided to enter the scene, you hypocrite bitch!" You angrily gritted through your teeth, pain on your scalp as you returned it to Sonia but with much more strength as you both continued to pull on each other's hair.


"Young Miss!"

You both were pulled away from eachother, both of you having such extreme bed hair and both with aching scalps but that didn't stop you from bickering at your gray-haired rival.

"I am not a hypocrite nor what you called me through vulgar words!"

"Lies! You're such a fake! You're such a plastic! Not to mention, you're a thief!" You shouted out loud, gaining more attention from the passers-by. You lunged towards Sonia but you were held back by who you assumed was Megumi, her arms tight around your waist preventing you from killing your rival.

"Fake, hypocrite, plastic, thief. Call me anything you want but remember, Akashi-sama is mine!" Sonia huffed, a smirk of victory as she watch you struggle your way away from Megumi.

"You have no proof that Akashi is yours." You corrected, breathing heavily as you ran out of breath just from wanting to escape from Megumi's grip.

"I believe you saw us held hands, right?" She smiled at you, eyes half lidded as you scoffed.

"You just got to hold hands with him but how unfortunate for you since I already get to kiss with him." You replied, feeling so victorious that your lips formed a smirk on your lips.

Sonia's eyes widened, mouth half agape as she looked at you with pure utter shock. Her shocked expression was quickly changed to an angry one.

"You're lying." Sonia replied angrily through gritted teeth, about to lunge at you again not until she was held back by a man, who you'd assume was her chauffeur.

Poor guy.

"Now I'm the liar?" You scoffed at her words as you shook your head, laughing slightly.

"But what I had said is the truth." You said.

Sonia didn't reply with anything but could only glare at you from where she stood. Silence was in the air, not until she decided to break that silence.

"Akashi is mine! Mine! Mine!" She repeated over and over as you just let out an annoyed groan.

"How many times do I have to tell you that Akashi is min-"

"Akashi doesn't belong to anyone. So both of you, can you shut the hell up!?" You heard Megumi shout, sighing at the end but you and Sonia still continued to do so despite her protests.

"Stop it, both of you."

You stopped from you were about to say upon hearing that voice. You turned your head as quick as possible from where that voice came from and there you saw the least person you wanted to be here, Ichiro.

You stared at your brother at shock, who glared at you viciously and somehow ominously that made you shiver in fear. He approached you and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"So, this is where you went to? Picking up fights, (Full Name)?" Ichiro sighed, glaring at you with such disappointment and shame.

"You and I will have a very long talk when we get home." He says through gritted teeth, grabbing your arm as you felt Megumi's arms loosen from where she was holding you.

"But Onii-chan!" You whined, grabbing onto his arm from making him drag you back home as you applied more pressure onto your own legs. Fortunately, he did but to only glare at you.

"I'm pretty sure our parents didn't raise you to be the kind of daughter who would rebel." He squinted his eyes at you as you frowned, removing his hand on your arm.

"But Sonia did it first!" You pointed at your rival. Ichiro's eyes slight widened as he looked to where you were pointing. He approached Sonia, expecting for him to shout at your rival or something but for only disappointment and shock to run through you.

"I apologize for her. I am so sorry." He apologized, even bowing in front of her as you gasped.

"What are you doing?!" You asked angrily through gritted teeth as he turned to face you again. "Your brother is much more humble than you are, (L/N)." Sonia giggled, a smirk on her face as she crossed her arms.

"Let's go." Ichiro says, continuing on dragging you away.

"No! Waaaaait!"


щ(ಠ益ಠщ) Ichiro, you little-.

Welp! For as I know, some of you have just came back to school today, So, how did your first day gooo? :D

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