Chapter 81

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A/N: While reading, try listening to the song I linked. It's catchy. ;u;

"Eh?" You meeped out quietly, not expecting those kind of words from a model like Kise himself.

 "A-A-Akashi?" You completely stuttered out, eyes as wide as plates as you stared at the taller individual, who nodded, giving you a sincere smirk that sent off at least a dozen fangirls' ovaries exploding simultaneously in the background.

"Mhm. Akashi-cchi!" He nodded as you stood still in your place. You don't know how to react with the mention of his name and the intense glares that are obviously filled with jealously harboring towards you but let's be honest here, you don't really give a single care to those stares.

The only thing you care about are the things that Akashi told to Kise.

"A-Ah. What exactly did he told you?" You asked, placing a hand on your chest, just directly above where your heart was beating really loudly, terrified and quite happy that Akashi said something about you, whether it was something good or bad, it didn't matter to you.

"He told us tha-" Before Kise could even finish what he was saying, he was merely cut off by another voice of a male.

"Oi, Kise!" Someone called out as you looked around from where the voice came from. Kise looked back as you moved your head a bit to the side where you then saw at least four male teenagers, running towards to blonde model.

"Don't suddenly run off, you idiot!" A guy that had dark blue hair and a tan complexion muttered angrily, smacking the head of Kise who yelped in pain, rubbing the area of his head where it got hit.

"Whaa! Aomine-cchi! Don't be so rude-ssu!" Kise frowned, glaring at the dark blue-haired boy, who just merely replied with a 'tsk.' 

You took a quickly single glance to each of them. Besides the dark blue-haired guy, there was also a green-haired one who was wearing a pair of glasses, a purple-haired giant who was eating a lot of varied sweets that made you want to cower in fear and jealousy because of his abnormal height and one you could have sworn you have seen somewhere, baby blue eyes and hair.

"Baby blue eyes that reflect the sky..." You thought, (E/C) locking with the boy, quickly recognizing him as the guy you accidentally bumped into the other day.

"Ah, it's you." You calmly said  to the boy as everyone's heads turned to you, all with furrowed eyebrows.

"You know Tetsuya-kun?" Akira asked, walking to stand beside you as you shook your head.

 "No but I did bumped into him the other day..." You awkwardly trailed off, still feeling numerous eyes on you.

"Oh, I see." She said finally taking her attention away from you.

"I thought you guys weren't going?" Akira asked them, hands crossed with an annoyed expression.

"You know them, Akira-chan?" It was finally your turn to ask, the green eyed silverette nodding her head enthusiastically in reply to your question.

"Yeah! They're basketball players like your dear Akashi is. Tetsuya-kun introduced me to them a long long time ago." She said as you only nodded.

"We weren't supposed to be going but you kept bugging us to come." The dark blue haired one said, an annoyed frown playing on his lips as he glared at Akira, who only laughed, suddenly walking away from next to you and to the guy, just to stomp his foot, him quickly groaning loudly in pain, cradling his foot oh-so-dearly.

"Psh, You're never going to change, aren't you, Daiki-kun?" Akira sighed.


"But never mind you! (F/N)-chan, meet Kise, Aomine, Murasakibara, Midorima and Kuroko!" Akira said, pointing at each individual as she said their names. You sheepishly waved your hand, feeling that the air was quite too awkward and tensed.

"(F/N)?" The green haired one, who apparently was named Midorima, repeated your name. You turned to look at him, his expression was quite... shocked upon hearing your name. You could only just awkwardly smile at him. 

"Yes, that would be me. Nice to meet you." You said, the awkward expression still present on your face as you said that and still after you bowed.

"Does that mean you're Akashi's....?" He trailed off, continuing to stare at you. You could only just furrow your eyebrows at him but you still continued to have a smile upon your lips. It's so that you won't look rude as you judge everyone off by the stares you're receiving.

"Uh, Akashi's...?" You repeated, tilting your head. You were awaiting for the Midorima's continuation.

Glasses didn't reply though you still continued to keep your patience bottled up inside of you. 

"Akashi's what?! Slave?! Girlfriend?! Lover?! What?!" You internally screamed as everyone looked at each other and then back to you.

The atmosphere quickly grew tense, the pressure drowning you as you felt you were the center of the attention and the main topic of this conversation.

"The air feels heavy." You heard Akira mumble quietly under her breath, Yato besides her nodding in agreement.

"What does Midorima-san mean? I'm Akashi's what?" You asked, lips pursed into a thin line, getting impatient by the minute when no one was replying to your question.

"Do you really want to know?" Aomine said, crossing his arms against his chest as he switched his weight onto the other leg.

"Clearly." You one-wordedly snapped. Your patience was no longer bottled up inside of you. You wanted to know. Besides that, human curiosity can kill other people as well. Your heartbeat was quickening by each moment, the pressure wasn't helping you either. 

Once again, they all looked at each other before turning to look back at you again.

"Well, if you want to really know, sure, (L/N)-cchi." Kise said as you internally thanked him with the use of your eyes.

"In short, you're Akashi's-" Before Midorima could even finish his own sentence, a loud shout cut him off.

"(F/N)-chaaaaaaaaaaaan!" Someone shouted and you turned your head to a certain direction where you then saw, yet again, the least person you wanted to see.

"Damn it, Megumi." 


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  

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