Chapter Six-Teddys influence

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"Teddy it's nine am" I moan into the phone. My head was thumping from the wine the night before.

"I know. I'm out running and wanted to check in on you... make sure you had survived the exorcism last night" she says. I can hear her laugh as she continues to run, her breathing a little rapid as she goes.

"Well you've known me long enough to know I do not wake up earlier than ten on a weekend ... so get lost" I say cutting her off and sinking back down into the pillow, my lips squished against it.

The pillow begins to vibrate and I moan into my arm "Theodora" I shout frustratedly, and I pick it back up.

"I'm judging from the mood that you're in that you didn't get laid last night" she comments.

I sigh and roll over onto my back. "I didn't" I confess.

"I really thought you and Leah were a sure thing last night" she says "we all went for a drink after the dinner and I can tell you what we envisioned you were up to was clearly more exciting than what you were actually up to"

"We just went for a walk. Teddy I cannot go there with Leah now, as much as I would love to go back to that hotel room... as soon as I got to know her I realised it was over" I confess.

"Why, she's awesome. I love Leah for you" she says as she pounds the pavements.

"Teddy can I just say that talking to you whilst you run is like I'm talking to you whilst you are fucking... literally I'm trying to force visions of you and Harper together away as we speak" I say, sitting up and rubbing my head.

"Eew Morgan" she moans and she stops running. I can hear her catching her breath "I'm going to walk around this park... slowly .. you perve" she says taking her time again.

"Good, I don't need to hear anyone heavily breathily like that, certainly not you. You are like my little sister, and if I am hearing a woman breathing like that she should be on top of me" I say starting to smile at the way I could hear Teddy's disgust.

"I don't want to hear anymore about you having sex" Teddy states.

I stand up and pad out of the room to go put coffee on.

"Then don't call me at an ungodly hour and ask if I hooked up with Leah last night" I suggest.

"Touché" she quips. "So why won't you consider dating her?" She asks "I think you guys have a lot in common... and what's a date between two hotties"

"I don't want to date Leah" I reply, sliding the coffee pot into its slot and flipping the switch as it all came to life.

"But why" she asks.

I slump against the counter holding my face in my hand. "Because I like her" I confess.

"Morgan" Teddy curses "you sound just like me two years ago" she says exasperated.

"I know but I have a tonne of failed relationships behind me, and Annie and I are still technically married. To be honest Teddy I don't want to go through it again"

The coffee clicks off and I use my spare hand to pour a cup, before walking to the dining table and taking a seat.

"Morgan it's only dating ... you don't have to think that far ahead. If you like Leah, date her, it's how it works... she lives on the east coast it's not as if you have to see her all the time and you could just have fun... aren't you attempting to have fun right now? Like haunting any available and attractive lesbian you find... isn't it safer to have fun with only one woman?"

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