Chapter Thirty - The Debrief

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I have been with Sam at hers for just over an hour, it's nearing midnight, my cut off time, and I excuse myself from under her arm. She had spent forty minutes taking Leah out of me and replacing thoughts of her with hurried hands, horny kisses, and an encounter which was both pleasurable and painful all at once. Mentally painful not physically, no physically Sam knew a woman's body and she made it talk to her, and her muscles were something I didn't mind running my hands up and down as she gave me what I wanted, and I gave her what she needed in return. Of course though, as I sit up at the edge of the bed, her fingers trail down my spine and she asks the question I fear hearing "Can I see you again"

I turn slowly, looking to her over my bare shoulder "Did you not hear the rules" I ask.

She smiles tauntingly "did you not enjoy it" she returns.

I think about that. Of course I enjoyed it, it was exactly what I had needed, but now that it was over, Leah was back. I didn't have room for anyone else when Leah took the space, all of it.

"It was great... but I told you ... I don't want to ever see you again... and I meant it" I remind her.

"Kind of brutal" Sam returns, sitting up and resting on her elbow. Her spare hand running through her short cut light brown hair.

Sam is what I would call a soft butch. She is muscular and well built, her hair is shorter, shaved underneath but the top is longer and you can still run your hands through it. Her hair is styled in a way it sweeps over, and she dresses androgynously, but the way she holds herself is much more masculine than feminine. I liked her vibe, I liked her style, and I liked her confidence in the bedroom, but it didn't matter, because I wasn't looking to tick boxes. I was looking for come to bed eyes and a way to suppress Leah for an hour.

"It's not brutal if I told you the rules before we slept together... not my problem if you liked what you got a little too much" I say playfully, and standing.

She looks me up and down slowly and unashamedly, taking in every inch of me appreciatively.

"And it's not my fault that I didn't realise what I was getting myself into. Morgan you are driving me insane right now" she says leaping forward and pulling me back into the bed. She rolled on top of me, her eyes taking me in playfully "so these rules...they didn't mention keeping you for round two before I lose you forever..."

"No, but I did mention I was out of here for midnight and it's almost midnight... so..." I say tauntingly, and I roll out from underneath her and stand back up gathering my clothes.

"So you are actually going to just leave and il never see you again" she asks disbelievingly.

I pull on my underwear and step back into the dress "that's correct" I say matter of factly.

She lays back down and places her arms under her head before letting out a dramatic sigh. "I think this is a first for me..."

I place my heels back on one by one. "What is" I ask.

She looks to me like she's confused and stepping out of a whirlwind "being ghosted after sex" she replies. "But being told I'm going to be before it even happens" she adds, shaking her head "that's some next level poltergeist activity Morgan"

I lean down and kiss Sams lips briefly, catching her by surprise "I'm not completely cold... I appreciated it Sam and I had fun... and I hope you find a woman that wants this full time"

As I stand back up she pulls me back for a deeper kiss, and I resist, moving back out of her embrace. This wasn't part of the plan "I have to go" I remind her pulling away and walking to her door "It was nice meeting you Sam... thank you for the hour... you have no idea what it meant to spend an hour out of my head"

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