Chapter Thirty Eight- Epilogue (Part one)

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Two and a half years later

I think my happy ending began with me, and finding love with myself instead of another, first. I can't deny though, that my happy ending has a name now, and it's Leah...

Leah 'Keaton' Mitchell

"Good morning" she says, nestling into my back, her breath upon my neck as her arm pulls me by the waist into her. My back was pressed to her stomach, the perfect spoon.

"Morning" I say sleepily, my voice a little croaky.

"Want me to get you a coffee" she whispers playfully.

I smile, still with my eyes closed at her mean jab "as you well know I don't drink it now... and the more you tease the more likely it is you will find me ordering it in bulk like an addict with access to a credit card and a dealer"

"I told you I don't care if you drink it, just don't kiss me after" she reminds me, kissing my neck gently.

"I would much prefer to kiss you" I say turning round and shuffling onto my back and then into her arms. My cheek rests on her shoulder as she squeezes me against herself a little tighter. I lean up and place a quick kiss on her lips before snuggling back down into her embrace.

"Although" she says.

I look up to her, eyes blinking open.

"What" I ask curiously.

"I kind of have a little craving to smell it" she confesses, and her lips lift into a smile.

"Are you joking me" I ask. I sit up and look down at her "your craving is coffee" I say eyebrows raised.

She tries not to laugh "I can't control it" she replies in defence of herself.

"But it's not like I want to drink it... I just want to grab a fistful of coffee beans and like... inhale them... earthy ones" she confesses.

I frown. "Babe...that's ... interesting" I reply with surprise.

I lean down and lift her black vintage band t shirt, running my hand over her slowly expanding stomach "hi little one" I whisper placing a kiss on the curved flesh. "Thank you for thinking of me with the coffee craving..." I whisper to the belly "if you could keep on that, perhaps your momma will let me consume it again. Mom could use some of the black stuff in her life, especially once you arrive little love"

Leah's laugh is one of amusement as she runs her hand through my hair. "I think she is already just like her mom" she says lovingly.

I smooth my hand across her bump and kiss it softly before returning my attention to Leah.

"I hope she's just like you Lee ..." i say reaching up and caressing her cheek with my fingers.

"Mom" Jamie shouts cutting through the quiet moment we were having "where are my new sneakers... I have five minutes before Jen picks me up"

I roll my eyes "the teenager is calling... " I say sitting up further "I love how they all assume I know where everything is ... despite it never being anything of mine" I say looking back to Leah's bright blue eyes and pausing to appreciate her loving gaze "I better go and locate them...or she may kill us all in our sleep"

"Go" Leah ushers "before she erupts"

I lean up and kiss her quickly before sliding off of the bed and shuffling out into the hall. Jamesons door is open, her room is absolutely flying. If anyone should come by now they would think it was ransacked. I stand in the doorway and look around as she moves through the chaos, searching under her bed before popping up pink cheeked and flustered from the exertion "mom don't just stand there... help me" she begs annoyed.

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