Chapter Eighteen- Leah

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When I open my eyes I take a moment to register my location, but the overwhelming and comforting scent of Morgan makes me turn into her back, beside me. Her warmth is a welcomed sensation against my belly. I run my hand over her waist and rest my palm against her stomach, kissing her shoulder as she stirs a little. Her hand covers mine against her flesh, her fingers tracing circles over the back of it.

"Morning" she whispers.

I shuffle up as close as possible, her hair smells so good. She leans back into me "morning... how are you feeling" I ask. I'm still a little concerned. Morgan's bruises mixed with her clear and obvious emotional pain. It was horrible to see her that way. I had no idea that behind the scenes she was still battling her ex wife. Annie, a person who seemed to be unable to let her go, a complete narcissist. Honestly if I found out she touched her again I wasn't sure how I could hold back from locating her myself and doing the same thing back to her. Morgan was no more hers than she was mine. She wasn't owned, or a possession, she was a human being who deserved to move on, who deserved to be free if she wanted it and nobody should feel they have the power to hold you down like that. Nobody should force you to stay somewhere you don't want to be, a persons emotions shouldn't ever be played with in this manner, but that was a narcissist to a tee, no empathy or consideration for others, manipulative, selfish, demanding and patronising.

"I'm okay... I'm so sorry your first night here was spent like that" she apologises.

I kiss her shoulder again "don't be... I'm glad I can be here for you"

"Well I don't want to talk about her anymore... can we start again" she asks, turning around.

Her dark blue eyes look to me lovingly as her fingers stroke my cheek "can this be the moment you arrive" she asks.

I smile and place my hand over hers "yes this can be it"

She leans forward and kisses my lips, and it's so hard not to reach out and touch her, being pressed together in this bed. Her breasts are pushed against my chest, the feeling of them there, a little distraction, longing to touch her, but I keep my hand to hers and enjoy the kiss. The sweet kiss, and the scent of her hair making me sigh.

Morgan Keaton was in my arms and I had never felt more at peace in my life. It was like this was where I was meant to be, her heart beating faster with every brush of my lips to hers, her hand landing on my hip, onto the slither of flesh between my shorts and my t shirt. The sensation, welcomed, a warmth slowly running down my skin, like her finger tips were brushing my flesh with electric pulses that set off the chain reaction. I take her hand and lift it away, pulling it up to my shoulder where she instead runs it up through my hair before pulling away a little "why did you move my hand" she asks.

I smile and roll on top of her. She laughs as I hold myself up above her "because it was starting to turn me on and we are here for walks and talks no!?" I ask teasingly.

She looks up to me above her, her finger tip running from my chin down past my sternum, following a line straight down between my breasts over the top of my t shirt. Her eyes draw me in as her lips twitch with amusement "I didn't mean to turn you on... wanna go for a walk" she asks.

I roll my eyes and drop down on top of her, burying my face in her hair "okay" I groan jovially.

Her body vibrates beneath me as she laughs "Leah" she asks.

I slowly look up and back to her "yes" I reply.

She takes my jaw gently and pulls me back, my dark hair mixing with hers as our lips entwined once again before she releases me a little breathlessly "That's better" she admits "now let's get up and get going before this whole sharing a bed things leads us down the wrong path" she says pulling back the sheets and slipping out from under me, sending me down onto the mattress with a thud. 

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