Chapter Twenty Nine- Forgetting

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Teddy had stayed overnight and dropped the kids off to school in the morning as promised. The kids had showed off their WNBA star aunty to their friends before they would let her leave. Teddy was a good sport, she always took the time to say hi and sign autographs.

Once I said goodbye to Teddy, she caught her flight and headed home to her family, almost ready for their big move west. I couldn't wait for that, to perhaps see them a little more often in the school breaks if and when I could.

"Hey" Mia said finding me after school in my office "ready to go find you a girl" she asks with a wink, as she slowly did a sexual dance against my door frame. The sight of her dance moves makes me laugh so loud I place my hand over my mouth to stifle it.

"Take that as a yes" she says releasing the wooden door frame and walking over, hand outstretched "come on then Ms Keaton...let's go find you some come to bed eyes" she offers.

I smile, relieved that Mia could lighten the mood considerably. Tonight would be fun, the hunting, and the forgetting. Was it a healthy way to get over Leah? Probably not, but did it dull the ache for a few moments after twenty three hours of a day spent in physical and mental pain?! Yes!

The bar in phoenix was a gay bar, not just for the gays obviously but in most part it was full of the rainbow kin, and those who identified as straight were the most wonderful and beautiful allies, here with gay best friends and ready to be wing men and women. Tonight, my straight wing woman was Lydia. She insisted on coming out tonight since she is also single and ready to mingle, despite this being a gay bar.

"Now, who do with think is a straight man" Lydia asks as soon as we hit the bar. I look around and contemplate an answer but realise it's pointless "I don't see any right now but if it gets dicey you could always conduct a quiz and find out"

Mia places her purse down next to mine, she looks incredible in a little backless black dress, and my goodness if she wasn't my friend and flirting with the idea of Blake... I think I would look at her a lot differently. But then again, I didn't play with friends, and I was here to play.

"Morgan you are already getting a lot of looks from the table at the back" Lydia observes, sucking alcohol up a straw.

I whack her arm "stop gawping at them"

She looks back to Mia and I as we huddle around our drinks and do a little Reccy around the room "I think the gym squad are onto you Morg, probably your outfit" Mia says glancing down at my dress that clung to all the right curves.

"Your thighs look... firm" she muses.

Lydia looks down at my legs "how do you have legs like don't even run. Do you even exercise"

I frown, offended "They are looking at all of us... and im a sports coach... I move all day long... but if you mean do I you know my thoughts on running... a pointless exercise... like where are you running to girl?"

"To good cardio and firm thighs" Mia suggests.

I look back to her, eyebrows raised "have we not already discovered I have the thighs without the pointless run to nowhere"

Mia nods "sure did... you are correct... so how did you get them like that" she asks.

"Kickboxing" I remind them, and they both look like they note that down mentally.

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