Chapter Twenty Eight- Teddy

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I leave work Thursday with Mia. We are side by side walking to our cars that sit beside each other.

"So I have to ask... what do you think about Blake?" I say, looking sideways to her.

"He's... very handsome" Mia replies "and although I was up for discovering the other team... I can't say his efforts last night weren't in vain"

I look to her with a smile and shake my head. "He hooked you didn't he. My god I'm not sure how my little brother does it. He could charm the birds from the trees"  I say amazed.

"I am still up for being your human shield though, and pretend date" she confirms.

I reach my car and drop my bag down beside it "Good. I may need you for a few more family events. Just don't forget yourself and flirt with Blake at the dinner table. Our family are out there sometimes but we don't partake in partner sharing. We draw the line there" I say teasing.

She smiles. "Do you still want to go to the bar Friday night?" she asks.

We had planned to have our first hunting expedition out on the scene this Friday. I was going to introduce Mia to a few gay bars whilst Annie came into town and took the kids for the weekend. She had missed them, and asked if she could have a weekend of which of course I agreed because they missed her too. I had always been happy to share them regularly like this. I had just wanted them to be settled in one spot, and it would be much easier now that Annie was moving to Arizona for longer periods of time. This weekend she would show them her new home, an apartment in phoenix.

"Yes most definitely. I need to meet women. I need someone who is happy to take my mind off of my crappy life for five minutes... but do you still want to go?! I mean now you have flirty eyes for Blake?" I ask.

She smiles "Yes I still want to go... to help you. Plus...I'm still interested in exploring myself. I mean I liked Blake but I don't even know him. I'm not closed off to dating. I'm ready to mingle" she confesses.

I pick back up my bag and take out my car keys "'s a date" I say playfully.

She walks to her cars drivers side and looks to me over the hood "a date" she confirms with a wink, and we wave and get into our cars before exiting the school lot for another day.

I place the last of the dinner serving plates down on the table and the kids all reach into the middle taking food.  A bread roll, a slice of meatloaf and mashed potato with green beans and carrots.

"So, how is everyone's first week back at school going?" I ask.

Gage lights up, his fork is covered in mashed potato's. "Good mom... i love my new teacher"

"I don't love mine" Asher interjects.

I look to him with a slight frown "why" I ask.

He chews on his meatloaf, swallowing it before answering "she is really strict"

I take a sip of water and look to him "well some teachers are. Some have to be, to get you guys to focus and learn. I'm sure you will get used to her"

He shrugs what I say off, and I look to Jamie at the other end of the table who is ignoring us and trying to pretend she's not looking at her phone that's hidden under her plate. I clear my throat to get her attention and her eyes snap back up to me "no phone at the dinner table" I remind her.

She sighs dramatically and pushes it into her pocket "fine" she says.

"How has your week been my girl" I ask.

She looks up casually "fine" she begins "I like our new schedule. It's much better, no more calculus of a Monday morning, and gym is now at the end of the day so I can just leave and come home to shower"

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