Chapter Ten- Mine

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Annie arrived a weekend before the kids. I'm surprised to see her, but then I remember her threat of returning to take me out. She's purposefully returned before the kids, so that she can do it without confusing them.

"Morgan" she calls as she unlocks the front door. I am out back by the pool, but I hear her as she walks through the downstairs, appearing at the back door with a smile "there you are" she observes "looking like a snack" she purrs walking over to where I lay reading a book.

She sits on the side of the lounger, her finger placed on the book as she lowers it down to my chest. "Nothing to say to me" she asks.

I shake my head and try and pick it back up, but she holds it down firmly. I didn't want to play this game, but I did have to admit her presence was a mixed bag. I felt annoyed she didn't just bring the children home, but instead came back to play with me, and yet her sudden presence as she leant over me... it made me feel a familiar longing to just kiss her. It was as if she had been away on a business trip, and I had missed her.

"Annie stop" I ask as she runs her finger down my stomach from the book.

She takes the book and throws it through the air, her eyes darkening, "this bikini is in my way" she accuses "take it off" she demands.

I frown "no"

"I don't much like the word no. know that"

"And I don't much like the way you think I'm your property" I rebuff, slipping from under her and instead diving into the pool away from her touch.

I pop back up and run my hands through my wet hair. Annie stands hands on hip, unamused. She raises an eyebrow, and her look is a challenging one "you think I won't come for that bikini just because you got in the pool" she asks.

I find myself smile to be taunting her, so I reach around the back of myself and untie the bikini top, throwing it at her feet where it splashes her legs as it lands. I wriggle out of the bottoms too, and throw them at her.

"There" I say Assertively "you got what you go sign some divorce papers and make me happy" I suggest.

She narrows her eyes at me "don't play with fire Morgan" she dares, pulling her tank top up over her head, revealing her tanned torso and pink tipped breasts. I swim back a little, resting my arms on the back of the pool as if she didn't bother me at all. I watch her shake loose her pants and dive in.

I observe her form getting closer under the turquoise water until her hands grab my thighs as she comes up for air. "Why must you play with me" she asks running her hand through her dark hair. Her brown eyes studying me "don't you think you should kiss your wife hello" she asks.

I shake my head "once perhaps...but we are long separated...I think that duty and desire has evaporated"

"You can be such a bitch" she curses, grabbing my hair and pulling me against her lips with a hard and forceful kiss. It is one that hurts, but equally stirs a heat between my legs. My mouth opens to her, her tongue darts against mine, feverishly overwhelming me. Her hands slide up my thighs, before she forcefully grabs them and lifts them up around her waist. She withdraws her lips from mine, ending her intense kiss, and instead looks to me as my eyes open, a defiant look "Admit you want me" she asks.

I look back with just as much defiance "no" I return firmly as her grip of my thighs intensifies. Her fingers curl around the plumper flesh of my rear, her teeth coming together in displeasure "It feels like you do" she says, releasing my left thigh and instead running her fingers down the centre of me, slipping through my wetness, and feeling the arousal of my flesh. She knew the way I wanted her from the ease of which she pushed her fingers through me. I let out a little cry as she flips me around, my breasts suddenly pressed to the cold wall of the pool, and hers to my back. She brushes the hair from my neck and runs her tongue along the back of it, kissing gently as her hands hold my hips firmly, two completely opposing sensations.

"Beg" she whispers seductively into my ear.

I bite down on my lip and hold my palm to the wall "I won't ever beg for you again..." I resist.

She tugs my hair back a little, tipping my chin upward with the force as her lips came around nipping the flesh of my throat. Every lash of her tongue like that of a whip against my flesh. She bends me forward with one hand releasing my neck, and then she pulls my hips and rear against her with the other "beg" she demands a little more intensely as her fingers rub against me. The waves of pleasure begin to lap against my flesh as she holds me by the back of my neck, her touch is teasing, and I want nothing more than for her to fuck me now she's got me here. She tugs me once more against her own arousal. I feel the heat of her against me, as she drives me by the neck against her, her fingers slipping through the centre of me, brushing achingly over my pulse, purposefully retracing over it again and again until I need her inside of me. I need it like a drug, like Annie's touch was a line of cocaine and I was desperate to inhale it, and feel it's rush through my body.

"Fuck me" I whisper, not wanting to give in.

She pulls my neck back "what did you say" she asks holding me firmly.

"I said...fuck me" I say a little louder.

She releases my neck and pushes her body flat against my back. Her hands run around the front of me like a snake, taking my breasts in her hands, and squeezing them as her flesh slips over mine. The water making this a little smoother for her to do whatever it was she wanted with me. She manipulated my limbs around her, she turns me and kisses me, once again a kiss that takes and takes, stealing my hesitancy and replacing it with a raging fire "fuck me now" I beg.

She releases my lips with a nip of my plumped and bruised bottom flesh. "Who can fuck you" she asks again.

I hold her shoulders, breathing a little erratically as she wraps my thighs around her waist. My deep blue eyes look into hers. I don't want to give into her power play, but damn she had me quite literally in a choke hold. Her fingers pressed to the centre of me, awaiting the safe word before she pushed inside of me. I felt like I began to throb against her, aching for her.

"You" I finally give in.

Her eyebrow flicks up as she looks to me intensely "only me" she reminds me, and I nod "say it" she demands as her fingers press further against my pulse point, making me whimper.

"Only you can fuck me" I submit.

She smirks "and who do you belong to" she asks.

I go to shake my head, frustrated by these games, and wriggling a little from her hands. She pushes me against the wall in response, and her fingers enter me, pushing inside of me and making me cry out with pleasure. Her tongue runs over my neck as my head rocks back. She thrusts her fingers in and out of me, making my features crease up with the intensity of the pleasure.

"Who do you belong to Morgan" she asks me again as she takes me, making my entire body writhe underneath her.

I begin to release against her fingers "you" I say breathlessly "I belong to you" I cry out. I nip her shoulder with my teeth as the waves of orgasm get me in a choke hold, just as Annie had previously.

"That's right" she whispers as I throb against her hand, desperate to claim every last drop of ecstasy her fingers offered as I clamped down around them.

"Mine" she confirms, as if she has conquered and defeated me.

Was I though? Annie's...

Because as soon as we left that pool...I felt guilty... like I didn't belong to Annie at all... in-fact I didn't ever want to do that again... because although in the moment it was easy to get swept away, these after shocks of guilt and confusion, they weren't worth it. I wasn't helping Annie by allowing her to keep taking me like this whenever the need took her. I wasn't an object she owned and could visit and use when she wanted to, but I had to stop it too. The slipping in to old habits, the giving into lust, because by doing so...I was letting her. I didn't want to be confusing. I wanted to be direct.

Please just let me go.


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