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*Ty's POV*

If you were to ask me on a scale of 1 to 10 how excited I am to be moving to a new school.

My answer would be -432.

You see, I just finished my junior year at Rampart High in Colorado Springs, and I finally had everything I wanted.

I made captain of our fight team for my senior year, I was about to have the perfect schedule for the up coming school year, and I had my entire school in the palm of my hands, well, aside from Tawney, my little sister.

And in one night over the summer, it was all taken from me in a fire.

Rampart High burned to the ground, and ceases to exist.

And now here I am, the first day of my senior year, in my kitchen eating cereal, when my mom asks me if I'm excited for my first day at Cheyenne Mountain High School.

My answer to her, is simple. "No mom, I am not." I put my spoon in my mouth.

"Baby, I know it's not the most ideal situation, but make the best out of it. They're a great school, it's a higher division than Rampart, campus is bigger, and coach already said you're still captain." She rubbed my shoulder.

"Co-Captain mom." I rolled my eyed.

"Boy if you wanna keep them in your head don't roll them again." My dad looked up from his paper. "And I would really prefer not to start my first day at my new job, with explaining I was late because I had to take my son to have his eyes put back in his head."

"Yeah, Ty." Tawney laughed. "Mind your manners."

My Family.

Mom. Georgia Porter. The sweetest woman you will probably ever meet in your life. She's a personal chef, a nurse, therapist, and so much more because she's a stay at home mom. My dad feels that she did her part taking care of our family by birthing us, and now, she deserves the world. And she does. My mom is amazing.

Dad. Kenny Porter. All around old school super dad. He's recently gotten a new job working at a local construction company as a foreman because it pays more, and well, his old boss treat him like crap. Honestly, I think he would've taken the new job even if it didn't pay more. He hated working the pipe line because he was away so much. We're happy he's home for good though.

Then there's brat faced snot nosed Tawney, who is 16, going in to her junior year, and so focused on basketball and making my life a stressful pit of hell. I wish I could say she wasn't pretty, but unfortunately she is and all my friends have noticed.

And there's me. Ty Porter. 18 as of 2 weeks ago. Going in to my senior year WISHING I was still at Rampart High. But there no longer is a Rampart High, and the closest school, as already mentioned, is Cheyenne Mountain High School, also in Colorado Springs.

But, back to conversations.

"Tawney, please, go outside, sit on that fire hydrant, and twist the valve." I looked over at her.

"Please, go to work with dad and play with a nail gun." She smiled.

"Alright." My dad slammed his hands down on the table. "Both of you, go. Ty, do not leave your sister after fight practice. She will be waiting. for you, understood?"

"Yes sir." I nodded and stood up.

I emptied my bowl down the garbage disposal, rinsed it, and put it in the dish washer.

Tawney did the same.

We both walked over, kissed our moms cheek, hugged dad, and walked out to see Matt Davis and his little brother Luke doing the same thing.

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