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*Troy's POV*

This has been the week from hell, and it's only Wednesday.

My dad telling my Nona about Ally, she has been on my shit nonstop, to the point where Nono has now started asking.

Dad has had to go on 4 different consults in the past 3 days, so Kevin and I have been running the work sites.

Evidently dad knows NOTHING about renting Air BnB's, so he has asked me to get the Air BnB for this weekend for the tournament, and Kevin and Georgia will be with us along with Tawney, who Gage and Paisley are awful excited about.

Bronson has started laying out little hints that he may potentially consider having sex, which I need to sit down and talk with him about that aside from 'No means no, condoms, don't get a girl pregnant.'

Because CLEARLY DAD, the last 2 have not worked out very well seeing as you have 3 sons, a daughter and 2 grandkids.

I am in my room going over paperwork my dad gave me to become partial owner of the business.

And, I have NO CLUE where in the hell my phone went.

I was in my room for about an hour until a knock came at the door.

"It's open!" I yelled.

Sawyer walked in and I turned in my desk chair. "What's up?"

She gave me a small smile and pulled my phone out from behind her back. "This was in the microwave."

I sighed and shook my head. "That kid I swear to god." I let out a small laugh.

"I just want to know why he would hide it in the microwave." She laughed, walked over, and plopped on to my bed.

I got up and plopped next to her. "Because Soy Bean used to hide things from Poppy when she was mad." I looked at her.

"What's he mad about?" She handed me my phone.

"Oh because I told him Franny couldn't spend the night with us over the weekend." I nodded.

"In which he said?"

"That Aunt Grace and TT spend the night with Uncle Kaine and Bronny, and that you're allowed to spend the night with Uncle Clay and Ty, so he should be allowed to have his friends spend the night."

She choked back a laugh. "You said?"

"That you're not my kids and he's not grown, and once he starts paying some grown folk bills he can have whoever he wants spend the night. Then handed me a dollar, told me to put it toward my cellphone bill, and now Franny is spending the night with us Friday night."

She laughed. "How's it feel?"

"How does what feel?" I raised my eyebrows.

"He's you, but 5." She nodded.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"You know, the tournament is in Denver." She rolled to her stomach and pursed her lips.

"Fully aware Sawyer. We are going you know."

"And, Ally lives in Denver."
"Get out." I pointed toward my door.

"She called, that's how I found your phone. Are you going to see her this weekend?"

"I have my kids." I shook my head.

"Oh yeah, because she's going to do meth and fuck other dudes in front of your kids." She rolled her eyes.

I took a deep breath. "Thanks for bringing it up."

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