Miraculous Mila & Mirabel

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10 years later...

Mila woke up as she felt someone licking her face.

"Okay, Chika. I'm up." Mila giggled, and the brown poodle barked as her owner got out of bed to get ready for another day. She looked at the clock and had a feeling what was coming next.

"And three, two... one." There was a knock at the door. "Buenos dias, prima." Mila knew the only one who got up as early as she did was her cousin Mirabel.

Mirabel and Mila had quite a special bond just like sisters.

Mila was older than Mirabel by eight minutes, and she acted like the big sister Mirabel needed.

By now, each girl discovered a special talent that did not require magic.

Mirabel turned out to be pretty great at sewing and embroidery. Mila had the beautifully hand-stitched lab coat she always wore to prove it.

Mila, on the other hand, was a little different from the rest of the family. At age three, she was found to be very intelligent for her age. She learned to read at age three, knew how to multiply four-digit numbers at age five, and had an extensive vocabulary for a child. Now, Mila found her passion was inventing.

Everyday, Mila had some new ideas to put into her journal, but actually building them was another story. To put it simply, Mila was used to at least twenty setbacks before an invention finally worked right.

Flashback to a few incidents with Mila's inventions...

Age 8: Invention goal: Create skin serum that would repel bees and protect Tio Augustine from bees

Mila was innocently mixing a few liquids together and taking notes on all their effects on each other. And then Camilo, being the jokester of the family, got a little too curious around Mila's experiments, and shapeshifted into Abuela, knowing Mila was scared of her yelling at her for an experiment gone wrong causing trouble.

"Milagro!" Shouted Camilo, startling Mila and making her spill the wrong thing into her beaker, and then poofing smoke into Camilo's face, and turning it orange.

"Camilo! How many times have I told you not to scare me when I'm doing experiments?!" Mila said angrily.

Camilo transformed to normal and coughed all the smoke away.

Mila sighed and took Camilo to the bathroom to wash the stuff off, but it wouldn't rub off. She scrubbed harder, but it wouldn't come out. She even tried mixing a stronger cleaning solution, and it still wouldn't come out.

As expected, Tia Pepa thundered up a storm when she found out. It took an entire week for the orange face dye job to wear off.

Age 12: Invention Goal: create a soothing aroma therapy humidity solution that would help people sleep better, namely her father, whose visions sometimes made it hard for him to rest peacefully.

"A little bit of lavender. A dash of eucalyptus with a smidge of vanilla." Mila listed to herself. "Sweet and very soothing. Now it just needs a little spice to make it strong."

Mila borrowed a few spices from the kitchen and tried to deduce which would be the best to use. That was when Mirabel came in.

"What are you working on, Mila?" Mirabel asked.

"Just some aroma therapy for my papa." Mila said, picking up another spice. "Definitely not this one."

"What are all the spices for?"

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