Out of the Picture

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Mirabel walked in with her basket, trying not to run into anyone. Mila too. Everyone was getting really excited preparing for Antonio's big day.
"Camilo, we need another José," said Abuela.
"José!" Camilo called, shapeshifting to help hang a banner over Antonio's door.
"Luisa, the piano goes upstairs."
"On it." And Luisa ran past the twin cousins. "Oops! Careful sis and cous!"
"Everyone sure is excited today," said Mila.
"I wouldn't mind if you used your gift to help," said Mirabel. "Abuela might like it too."
"No way. I chose not to reveal my gift as a protest, and until we find out why you didn't get one, I'm sticking by it."
Mirabel's lack of a gift was actually the whole reason Mila took on science. She figured there had to be an explanation, but she wasn't sure what it could be. Over the years, she conducted various experiments and came up with many hypotheses.
One hypothesis was that maybe Mirabel was just a late bloomer and would get a gift later. Another was that maybe it was genetic, as in because her father had no gift, that left the possibility that there would be Madrigal children without gifts. But her biggest hypothesis was that something was wrong with the candle. So far, however, she had no luck. And her train of thought was interrupted when a gust of wind came about caused by Pepa's nerves.
She went rambling on about how Antonio's night had to be perfect, and Felix tried to calm her down as she was blowing all over the flowers.
"Did someone say 'flowers?'" Isabela gracefully swung down from the balcony on her vines, growing lots of beautiful flowers as people called her their angel.
Mirabel just looked annoyed, and Mila rolled her eyes at her older cousin being such a showoff.
"Please, don't clap." Isabela giggled as she calmed Pepa with a lovely bouquet of roses, the. She flipped her hair, hitting Mirabel in the face.
"Hey! Watch it, Princess!" Mila said.
Isabela just sighed and said, "A little advice, if you weren't trying too hard, you wouldn't be in the way. And one of you could be helping with a gift."
"Actually, Isa..." Mirabel began. "This is helping. And we're not in the way, you-" And Mirabel faceplanted into a pole.
"Mira, are you okay?!" Mila asked, helping her cousin.
"I'm fine."
The girls brought Mirabel's gift basket to the kitchen, where they began taking out all the treats.
"Niñas, don't overwork yourselves." Julieta said.
"We know, Mama." Mirabel said. "We just want to do our part."
Just then, Augustine came in with a swollen cheek, hand, and ear.
"We know this is hard. First gift ceremony since yours... a lot of emotions." He said.
"Bee stings," the cousins said.
"Ay, Augustine." Julieta groaned.
"You know, Tio Augustine. I've almost perfected that bee repellent." Mila said. "I promise it'll work this time."
"Mila! Mirabel! I need your help." Called Bruno's voice.
"Coming, Papi!" Mila shouted in response.
"The house isn't gonna decorate itself," said Mirabel
Casita's banners drooped.
"Sorry. You could though. You look great."
And Casita's banners rose again.
Bruno and Alicia were helping with some of the decorations, but they also had a couple of two-year-olds to look after.
Alicia held Pedro, who was getting fussy, and she tried to calm him down by gently bouncing him.
"It's okay, Pedro." Alicia said.
Rosella, on the other hand, was walking around, being the more energetic twin. She was curious about everything. Maybe a little too curious, and she started to play with a banner she found on the floor.
"Rosella, no." Bruno said, picking up his active daughter, who then started to grab and play with her father's hair. "Ay! No, Rosella. No pulling hair. Ow!"
Luckily, Mila and Mirabel arrived moments later.
"We're here, Papi. ¿Cuál es el problema?"
"The twins are restless." Bruno said. "Could you and Mirabel watch them while we finish decorating?"
"Sure," said Mila. "Come here, hermanita"
Mila took Rosella into her arms and Mirabel took Pedro. Luckily, Mila had some baby toys in her satchel. She gave Pedro a stuffed puppy, and Rosella a butterfly rattle.
"You're life savers, niñas." Alicia said.
Mirabel was ready to get out some decorations she made as a surprise for everyone. So, Mila took her baby brother into her other arm and watched as Mirabel placed handmade decorations with little candles at each door.
"See, hermanitos?" Mila said. "You don't need magic to have gifts. And whether or not you two get gifts when you turn five, you're still the best baby brother and sister I could ever ask for."
"Clean your rooms. I don't care how big they are," said Abuela.
Mirabel couldn't help looking at the photos of all the past gift ceremonies. Everyone but Mila, the twins, and Antonio had a picture up there. And especially her.
Mirabel could understand herself not having a photo, but she still couldn't believe Mila refused to use her gift, or have a celebration. She was one of only three people who knew what her gift was. Mirabel was also the only one besides Chika and Mila to ever enter that room. Though, they kept that as their little secret.
"Mirabel," said Abuela, startling Mirabel and accidentally knocking over her candle and leading her to put out the fire set to Abuela's decoration.
"Perhaps you should leave the decorating to someone else?" Abuela suggested not so subtly.
"Oh no. I actually made these as a surprise for you- Aah!" Mirabel finally managed to extinguish the flame.
"Mirabel, I know you want to help. But, the best way for some of us to do that is to stand aside. The community relies on us and our gifts."
"In other words, the community is too lazy to figure out how to do things themselves?" Mila said.
"Milagro," Abuela scolded.
"Well, it's true. Look at me. I don't use my gift, and I get along with inventing things to help the community."
"Speaking of standing aside. Mila... I would appreciate if you would hold off on your... inventions until after tonight."
"If this is about the time I mixed up my pink coloring solution with Isabela's shampoo, that was just an accident."
"We just don't want anyone getting hurt."
"It's science experiments, there's supposed to be setbacks. They're how we figure out what to avoid when building things." Mila said.
Abuela then turned her attention to the other balcony.
"Pepa, you have a cloud."
"I know, Mama!" Pepa groaned. "But now I can't find Antonio! What do you want from me?"
Mila and Mirabel looked at each other; they both had a hypothesis, and headed to the nursery.
Mirabel sat on her bed, holding a little wrapped box.
"Everyone's looking for you," said Mila.
Mirabel held the box close to the underside of the bed and said, "This present will self-destruct if you don't take it in three... two... one..." Then a little hand snatched the gift.
Mirabel crawled underneath the bed and found Antonio laying there, looking worried.
Antonio said nothing.
"You know, I just know you'll do great. Your gonna get your gift, and it is gonna be the best ever." Mirabel smiled.
"What if it doesn't work?" Antonio whispered.
"Well, in that impossible scenario, you stay here in the nursery with me and the twins... forever." Mirabel tickled him a bit. "And I get you all to myself until the twins get gifts. But alas, I am going to miss having one of the world's best roomies."
That was when Mila joined in on Antonio's other side.
"No matter what gift you get, primo, it's up to you to decide what to do with it." Mila said.
Antonio then opened his present and found a handmade stuffed jaguar.
"I know you're an animal guy, and I made this so when you get your cool new room, you'll always have something to snuggle with." Mirabel explained.
"And a little music too," said Mila, pointing to a pull string on the toy. "Don't worry, I tested it. It's perfectly safe."
Antonio pulled the string, and the melody of "Dos Oruguitas" sweetly played.
That was when Casita moved the clock over to tell them it was time.
"You ready?" Mirabel asked, and Antonio nodded. And then Mirabel hugged him. "Sorry, I gotta get one more squeeze!"
"Make room for Mila!" Mila laughed, joining in the hug before Casita urged the three of them to hurry up.
Everyone was excited as they arrived for Antonio's big night. Members of the Madrigal family used their gifts to entertain the guests, and music played all around, courtesy of a couple of musical inventions Mila snuck in that she tested four months in advance to ensure they were perfect and safe.
Bruno and Alicia each held a twin as they watched everyone having a good time.
"Do you have any idea where Mila is now?" Bruno asked his wife.
"She's probably helping Mirabel with Antonio." Alicia said. She and Bruno were just as worried as Mirabel's parents how hard tonight would be for the latter.

And, Mila was indeed helping. She and Mirabel brought Antonio to the room where he would make his grand entrance. There, the boy was greeted by his parents and siblings.
"Look at you, all grown up." Pepa praised, a little rain cloud appearing.
"Pepita, you're get him all wet." Felix said, calming his wife.
Camilo shapeshifted into a child-sized Felix.
"You are making your papa proud," said Camilo, imitating his father.
"I don't sound like that," said the real Felix.
"I don't sound like that," Camilo repeated. Mila couldn't help giggling at her cousin's playful antics.
Dolores then listened and said, "Abuela says it's time."
"We'll be waiting at your door," said Pepa.
"Okay, okay, vamo, vamo vamo." Felix said as he and the rest fo the immediate family left.
"Okay, okay, vamo, vamo vamo." Camilo repeated before getting picked up by Felix. "Alright, I'm done!"
Mila laughed. "Oh, Camilo."

Drums played as it was time for the ceremony to begin.
Abuela held the candle and gave a speech.
"Fifty years ago, during our darkest time, this candle blessed our family with a miracle. A miracle that has blessed this family, and served this beloved community. Tonight, our blessings grow as another joins us."
The drums played again, and the curtain opened to reveal Antonio, and everyone cheered. Casita moved a little tile to coerce Antonio to start walking, but the boy was too nervous. He looked at his big cousins and held out his hand.
"We can't," whispered Mirabel.
"I need you," whispered Antonio, pleading with his eyes.
Neither Mirabel nor Mila could say no to that darling face. So, each of them took one of Antonio's hands, to everyone's surprise. Everyone except Bruno and Alicia's; they actually smiled proudly at the two of them as they walked their little cousin to his door.
But, while Antonio's nerves went down as he held his cousins' hands, the girls felt bad memories fill their heads of the night of their gift ceremony. For Antonio's sake, she hoped Antonio got his gift and Abuela wouldn't isolate him like she did Mirabel.
Antonio held the candle as Abuela started the vow for him to use his gift to serve his community. Then, the boy walked to his door and nervously reached the knob. Antonio's door glowed a beautiful golden glow as Mila's had ten years ago.
A toucan suddenly flew in and landed on Antonio's wrist, squawking.
Antonio gasped and smiled. "Uh huh. Uh huh. I understand you." Then the toucan squawed again, and Antonio said, "Of course they can come."
And the toucan squawked louder, and all sorts of animals came in, and the door glowed again to show a picture of Antonio with a bunch of animals.
Abuela sighed in relief and announced to everyone, "We have a new gift!"
Everyone cheered for Antonio, and soon Antonio opened his door to see that it was a literal jungle.
Mila looked amazed when she and Mirabel walked in to see how amazing the room was.
Rosella seemed excited when she saw the fast, colorful hummingbirds, and Pedro like them too.
"Talk about a wild change," said Mila.
After a wild ride across his amazing new room, Antonio eventually was back with his family to receive praise.
"I knew you could do it. A gift just as special as you." Abuela said. "We need a picture. All together."
"La Familia Madrigal."
But Bruno quickly stopped the camera.
"Wait! Mirabel and Mila aren't here," he said.
Abuela's face said it all.
"They're part of this family and deserve to be treated as such." Alicia added. But when she looked around, she didn't see the girls. "Has anyone seen Mirabel or Milagro?"
But, no one did see them.

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