A New Vision

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Out in the Encanto, rumors started to spread about gift being revealed. According to the Guzmans, Mila made everything float and then made it all stop as though she were the one in control of Casita. At least now, Mila didn't have to worry about people constantly asking and guessing what her gift was anymore. It got pretty annoying over time, and Camilo kept bugging Mila about it over the years. Every birthday, he would play Guess Mila's Gift.
Mila and Mirabel's 15th birthday...
"Give it up, Camilo." Mila said.
"Is your gift brainstorming?" Camilo asked.
Mila sighed and said, "No."
"Is your gift knowing everything?"
"Is your gift making people forget or remember things?"
"If that were my gift, I would've erased a lot of memories by now, including this conversation. So unfortunately, no."
"Is your gift thinking really, really hard?"
"Is your gift saying no?"
"NO! Oh my God, Camilo! Give it up already! No one in the entire Encanto has guessed my gift, and neither will you."
Present Day...
Now that Bruno had a big open space in Antonio's room, he started making a circle of sand while his daughter and Mirabel sat in the middle.
Mirabel could hear more cracks forming quickly.
"You might wanna hurry up," said Mirabel nervously.
"You can't hurry the future," said Bruno, moving around a capybara that sat in the way. "I mean, what if I see something worse? If I see something that you don't like, you're gonna be all 'ooh Bruno makes bad things happen. He's creepy and killed my goldfish.'"
"Papi, that fish dying was not your fault." Mila said.

Mila had been one besides Alicia who always stood up for poor Bruno. She didn't need super smarts to know that her father didn't make the future happen; he just reported it.
"He told me my fish would die, the next day, dead!" said one woman before.
"Maybe try taking better care of it next time?" Mila said.
"He told me I'd grow a gut, and just like he said," said the man who gave Mirabel her 'not special' gift basket.
"Maybe if you watched what you ate like he warned you!" Mila said angrily, smacking the man in the gut.
"He told me all my hair would disappear, now look at my head," cried the Father from the local church.
Mila patted him on the shoulder and said, "Padre, that happens to a lot of people. It's most often genetic."
But the more people spoke bad of Bruno, the angrier Mila got. She had to constantly tell them, "If you don't have anything nice to say about Bruno, don't talk about Bruno."
And each time Mila got angry, pots broke, trees fell onto people's carts, and shutters and doors randomly opened and shut, and her parents had to calm her down. Bruno never let Mila know he knew her gift was telekinesis; he thought it would worry her to know more than just her mother and Mirabel knew her gift. It was a good thing no one was hurt; they didn't need Mila to be dubbed Bad Luck Bruno Jr. by everyone in the Encanto because they made her angry.

"I don't think you make bad things happen, Tio." Mirabel said. "Sometimes, family weirdos just get a bad rap."
"And most humans, unfortunately, are always looking to blame someone else for their problems instead of taking good advice." Mila added.
Antonio gave Bruno his jaguar plushie.
"For the nerves," said Antonio before leaving on his real jaguar.
Bruno took a deep breath and told himself he could do this, and he lit some little piles of herbs and leaves, and prepared to have his vision. Bruno cracked his knuckles and held out his hands.
"You might wanna hold on," said Bruno, his eyes turning green.
Mirabel and Mila each took hold of one of Bruno's hands. A strong wind started to blow, and a dome of sand surrounded them as the vision came into view. The house was breaking, a door nearly fell on Antonio before Felix rescued him, and then Mirabel was in front of Casita cracking and then not cracking, and Mila was angry and making the cracks grow even bigger.
"It's just the same thing!" Bruno cried in dismay. "I've gotta stop."
"No! I have to know which way it goes," begged Mirabel. "There's gotta be an answer, something we're not seeing."
"You're both looking at the same thing I am."
"What's that?" Mila said, looking at something.
Mirabel looked where Mila was and saw something golden and pointed it out to Bruno.
"Butterfly! Follow the butterfly!" Bruno shouted.
And the two girls helped him up so they could see where the butterfly went. It landed on a blade of grass, but they couldn't tell where it was. The vision was out of order. But then, there was something new, first, it was Mila, who was looking into her journal, and had her hair tied back in a high ponytail, which she normally did only when she was experimenting or inventing. But, they couldn't tell what Mila was inventing, and then they saw Mirabel with the candle.
"It's getting brighter! I think you're gonna help the candle!" Bruno hypothesized.
"How?" Mirabel asked.
Then someone else was in the vision, but their face wasn't visible.
"There's someone with you, and you... you fight her!" Bruno said.
"WHAT?!" Mirabel and Mila exclaimed in unison
"No wait," the vision changed. "Is that a hug?"
"Is she fighting or hugging?" Mila grumbled, beating her cousin to the question.
The vision showed Mirabel hugging someone.
"An embrace!" Bruno exclaimed with a smile. "To make the candle brighter you have to embrace her!"
"Embrace who?" Mirabel asked.
It started getting clearer... almost there... almost... and it was...
"Isabela?!" The cousins exclaimed in unison.
And the sand stopped spinning, and Bruno held an emerald plate with Isabela and Mirabel hugging.
"Oh, your sister. That's great." Bruno smiled, only for it to disappear when he saw the twin cousins holding the same disgruntled look on their faces. He sighed. "Every time."

"Why would embracing Isabela do anything?" Mirabel grumbled, looking at her oldest sister's door.
"I don't know. How do you save a miracle? You hug a sister." Bruno said.
"And apparently I have to invent something." Mila said. "But I don't know what or why."
That was when the cousins heard Camilo downstairs, calling their names, and his power went whack again, giving him a baby head and hand.
"Poor Camilo." Mila whispered, feeling sorry for her cousin.
"Isa won't hug me. Ever. You saw what happened at her proposal." Mirabel said. "And Mila will probably be off the hook since everyone knows her gift now."
"Don't be ridiculous," said Mila. "Nobody's gonna treat me that much differently. They still can't force me to use my gift if I don't want to."
"You really don't have to keep sticking up for me," said Mirabel.
"I know. I do it because I love you. But, it looks like I forgot to let you have the chance to fight your own battle. And that battle now is getting a hug from Sister Nature."
"I'll be helping Alicia, with the twins, if you need me." Bruno said, scurrying off.
"Well, looks like I'd better go find out what I'm supposed to invent," said Mila, rushing to hide as she heard Julieta calling her name, quickly but quietly closing her door and locking it.
Mirabel sighed, "Okay. Time to save the miracle... with a hug.

Meanwhile, Bruno walked into the nursery, where he found Alicia putting Rosella in her crib beside Pedro, who had fallen asleep after they were placed into some dry clothes.
"Bruno, there you are." Alicia said. "Are you okay? Where are Milagro and Mirabel?"
Bruno picked up a notepad and wrote a note so Dolores wouldn't hear him, not wanting to risk another disaster.
I had a new vision. They're helping to save the miracle. Mira has to embrace Isabela, and Mila has to invent something.
Alicia wasn't surprised that Mila's future involved inventing, but it surprised her that Mirabel and Isabela would hug; she hadn't seen them hug since before her and Mila's gift ceremony.
Bruno and Alicia looked at the crib as Rosella stood up and bounced, making happy little noises.
Bruno chuckled and said, "Not even the darkest times could defeat your smile, Rosa."
Rosella cutely stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry.
Alicia looked at both of her babies.
"Amor, I'm worried about our babies. If the miracle is dying... what will it mean for them?" She asked her husband.
If the twins didn't get gifts, would they be isolated too like Mirabel, Bruno, and Milagro? Bruno was isolated because people only saw the worst in his gift, Mila because she refused to use her gift, and Mirabel because she never got one.
"I don't know," said Bruno. "I only hope it's not too late to save it." He then took his wife's hands. "But gifts or no gifts, they are still our niños, and we wouldn't love them any less than we do now."
Alicia knew her husband was right. She knew she made a good choice marrying him. And the couple embraced each other and kissed.

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