Part One

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Matt lay on Mello's bed in their shared room at Wammy's, yelling at his DS, unable to complete the level he was on.

Mello barged through the door and his eyes rested on the redhead lying on his bed, his face set into a scowl.

"Where the f*** did you put my chocolate?!" The blonde screamed.

Matt shrugged innocently, his google-clad eyes never leaving the DS screen.

Mello snatched the game off of Matt, who protested at once, yelling obscenities at his roommate.

"I'll give it back once you give my chocolate! Now, where the f*** is it?!" Mello bellowed.

"I don't f***ing know!" Matt yelled back.

Meanwhile, Near was giggling to himself in his room, listening to Mello yelling at poor Matt whilst trashing their room.

The small boy bit a small chunk out of a small chocolate bar, twirling a piece if white hair between his fingers.

"That's what you get, Mello, for stealing my puzzle," the white haired boy muttered to himself.

Back in Matt and Mello's room, Mello had completely trashed their room and Matt had his arms wrapped around Mello's legs and was being dragged around the room as the blonde searched for his chocolate.

"Can I have my game back?" Matt practically begged. "Please, Mels?"

"Not until I have my chocolate!" Mello growled.

Matt grinned slightly and tightened his grip on the other boys legs, causing him to trip and land on top of younger boy.

Both boys faces flushed a bright red, a red the clashed with Matt's hair.

"Hi," muttered Matt awkwardly, grinning up slightly. "I know you're enjoying the view and all but can you get off me?"

Mello flushed and attempted to get off Matt but it only resulted in collapsing back on top of the teen and their lips ended up crashing together.

Near in his room was feeling a bit worried now as the crashing and yelling from the two older boys room had stopped. He uncertainly stood up, wondering if to go check on the two, make sure they hadn't murdered each other.

Tentatively, Near knocked on Matt and Mello's door. No answer.

He knocked again and then twisted the door knob, causing the door to swing open.

He slowly took a step into the room.

At first, the small boy couldn't really make out anything, other than clothes and books and DVDs littering the room. Then he noticed Matt's DS lying on the floor, inches away from Near.

Near felt uneasy. Matt was constantly on his DS and the fact that it was still on, flashing a 'Game Over' message on it couldn't mean anything good.

Near took another step into the room and stopped dead in his tracks. He definitely hadn't been expecting the two older teens to be in a passionate embrace on their bedroom floor, surrounded my mess.

Immediately, Near backed out of their room and shut the door instantly, mentally scarred for life. He pulled out a black Sharpie pen and scribbled on the door 'DO NOT DISTURB.' After a second, Near added 'UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE'.

Grinning uncomfortably, the boy ran back to his room and went back to his puzzles and toys.

Matt and Mello broke apart.

"I think we scarred him for life," said Matt. "I kinda feel bad."

"He stole my chocolate, though!" Mello argued back.

Matt chuckled and kissed Mello teasingly on the corner of his lips and went to pick up his DS.

Mello growled.

"I still don't have my chocolate," he whined.

Matt chucked him a few bars. Mello caught them, stunned.

"How? Why?" He asked.

"Thought they might come in handy," Matt said, shrugging.

Mello bit a chunk out of the chocolate, looking thoughtfully at the younger redhead.

Matt looked up from his game for a split second.

"What?" He asked.

The only answer he got was Mello's lips on his own.

"You taste of chocolate," murmured Matt against Mello's lips.

Mello chuckled slightly and rested his head against Matt's shoulder, breathing in his scent, combined with the smell of cigarettes.

Although Mello hated the fact the Matt smoked, he had become used to the smell and associated it with Matt.

"Maybe we should tidy all this s*** up," Mello suggested, making no effort to move though.

"Later," Matt replied, kissing the top of Mello's head and continued playing on his DS.

A/N: Hey guys! Well this is my first time at writing something like this, so I hope it's okay and you all like it. I don't know if this is going to be a one off one-shot or if to make it into a book of one-shots, so can you let me know what you think I should do with it! Thanks!
~ Superwholockhogwarts out!

By the way, thank you Emily560 for helping me with some ideas and for correcting a few mistakes!

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