Part Four - New Year

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Ten years since he had first met Matt.
Ten years since the gamer had first made his appearance at Wammy's Orphanage.
Ten years since he had barged his way into the chocoholic's life.

Nine months since they had started dating.
Nine months since the blonde had pressed the redhead against the wall of their shared room and declared his love.
Nine months since their first kiss.

Eight months since their first date.
Eight months since Matt had taken Mello to the nice café down town, near the orphanage.
Eight months since they had shared that chocolate milkshake.

Seven months since their last trip to the Winchester Summer Fair.
Seven months since they went on that big ferris wheel.
Seven months since Matt had shouted from the top of the wheel, announcing their love to the world.

Six months since they went to Japan to assist with the Kira case.
Six months since they were last in England.
Six months since they could simply be kids in love.

Five weeks since Matt last sent him flowers.
Five weeks since those red spider lilies arrived at his door.
Five weeks since Matt also figured they were going to die trying to solve this case.

Four weeks since Matt through him a surprise birthday party, two weeks before the actual day.
Four weeks since the redhead had decided to celebrate early; "just in case" the words remained unsaid.
Four weeks since they could pretend everything was fine.

Three weeks since he last saw Matt in person.
Three weeks since the gamer had uttered the words "I love you."
Three weeks since he had felt warm.

Two weeks since his birthday.
Two weeks since he had spent the day waiting for a birthday text.
Two weeks since he fell asleep cold, with no messages.

One hour until midnight.
One hour since Matt finally turned up, after nearly a month of radio silence.
One hour since he began to feel whole again.

The bells of Big Ben chimed on Mello's phone, signalling that the New Year had begun back home in the UK.

"Happy New Year," Matt whispered, gently pressing a warm kiss to Mello's lips. He tasted like cigarettes and home. Mello eagerly returned his embrace.

"Happy New Year," Mello murmured, lips separating. He rested his forehead against Matt's shoulder. A beat of silence.

"I missed you," Matt said.

"I know."

26 days since the new year began.
26 days since everything last felt right.
26 days since their last normal day.
26 days since the last ever photograph of Mail Jeevas and Mihael Keehl was taken.


Ten years since Mihael Keehl fell in love for the first, and only, time in his life.
Ten years that Mihael Keehl would refuse to regret.
Ten years more he wishes they could have had.

If only they could have had more time.

If only everything had gone differently.

If only...

A/N: fun fact, half of this was written back in 2015 and was planning to publish it back then (but then completely forgot lol) and I just finished the last couple of numbers now, at 4am, because I couldn't sleep and remembered I had a Wattpad account lol
The timeline probably isn't correct as it's been about 10 years since I read and watched Death Note last. Maybe once I've reread, I will come back and fix any continuity errors!
Also, sorry it kinda ended angsty, I didn't know how to end and I've kinda been into angst lately, although I've never tried writing it lol
Hope you enjoyed my very brief return to writing!

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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