Part Three - Happy Easter

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Matt lay on his bed, staring at the lit screen of his DS in front of him. The Pokémon battle music was blaring around the room.

The door suddenly burst open and Mello appeared, glaring at the redhead.

"Morning, Mels," Matt said, without looking up from his game (he had now just evolved his Eevee to an Umbreon).

"Do you have any chocolate?" the blonde screamed (it was a manly scream) at Matt.

"No," the gamer replied lazily. "Anyway, it's Easter, what happened to all the chocolate you got?"

"None of your business!" Mello shrieked. Matt thought his eardrums has burst. "It's Easter, Matt! What about all of your chocolate?!"

"I asked for a new video game," Matt answered calmly. "Instead of everyone getting me chocolate, I asked for everyone to put all their money together for a new game! I got a Legend of Zelda game!"

"Do I look like I give a f***, Matt?" Mello glared at the teen.

Matt glanced up at the fuming blonde.

"No, I can't say you do."

The redhead went back to his game. He was now trying to catch a Ditto.

"Where can I find chocolate?" Mello now sounded like he was going to murder someone.

Matt sighed and put his game on pause to look up at the teen by the door.

"Ask Near or something," Matt muttered. "You do know that it is only 10:30 in the morning. No one else has probably even touched their chocolate, let alone have eaten any already!"

Mello scowled, turned around and stomped out of the room in away a spoilt child would when they didn't get their way.

Matt sight, stood up and shut the door.

"It's like they never learn. It's the same every year." He muttered, lying back down on his bed and continuing his game.

A/N: Hey everyone!! Happy Easter!! I know this isn't really Matt x Mello but I wanted to write something for Easter, so I hope you all like it!! Also, my friends and I are hoping to do a cosplay video of something like this once I get back from my holiday, so once we've done it, I'll post a link to it here!

Hope you all have a fab Easter!

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