Part Two - Merry Christmas!

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Matt lay on his bed, the Pokémon music blaring out from his DS speakers

"Can you please shut up, Matt! It bloody 5 in the morning!" Mello groaned, throwing a pillow at his roommate, burying his head further into his remaining pillow.

"Sorry, Mels," muttered Matt, turning down the volume. "But, now you're awake," he continued with a sly grin, "we can get started on our Christmas presents!!!" He exclaimed, childishly.

Mello groaned. "You can, wake me up after the sun has risen and all the little kids 'round this bloody place are awake and screaming."

Matt sighed. He tiptoed over to Mello's bed and jumped on him.

"Mels," Matt whined, licking the older boys nose. "Mels. Get up. MELS!" Matt screamed in Mello's ear.

"Jeez, Matt!" Mello yelped, falling off the bed, pulling Matt with him.

Matt grinned down at him.

"Can we open our presents now?" Asked Matt innocently.

Mello groaned. "Fine. You're such a kid, Matt," he said, rolling his eyes, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

The blonde chocoholic passed the redheaded gamer a small box while the younger handed a slightly larger box to the older teen.

Matt grinned excitedly and began to rip the paper off the box eagerly. Mello, smiled at the younger's excitement.

The gamer tore away the paper to reveal the newest Pokémon game for his DS.

"Thanks, Mels," he whispered, raising his eyes to meet the blonde's.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it," Mello replied, smiling at the redhead.

Mello then tore away the paper from the box, a little neater than Matt, revealing an assortment of chocolates.

"Thank you, Matt," Mello said, opening one of the chocolates, unwrapping it and taking a rather generous bite out of it.

Matt said nothing, but leant towards the blonde and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Mistletoe," he whispered in explanation, looking up at the ceiling. The chocoholic also looked up and saw that the small plant was truly there, confirming his lover's story.

He sighed, a faint smile playing on his lips, as he pulled the gamer onto his lap, pressing a more passionate kiss on his lips.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it's so short and probably not as good as it could be, but I hope you all liked this Christmas themed one-shot and I hope you all have a very merry Christmas!! Enjoy Christmas, everyone!!

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