Chapter One: The Discovery

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Luz Noceda, Human Witch, Master of Glyphs and Hero to the Boiling Isles, has spent the last 6 years since the Day Of Unity rebuilding the portal back to the Human Realm, why she wanted to return, was simple, she wants to reunite with her mother and tell her about her adventures and how much she has grown since the last time she saw her mother, Camila Noceda.

She didn't have enough time to explain since that door she last created 6 years ago was unstable, but still, after years of many failed and somewhat successful attempts with the help of her friends Willow Park, Gus Porter and surprisingly Hunter, her girlfriend Amity Blight who is now her Wife, her little brother King Clawthorne, her cool Aunt Lilith Clawthorne and Second Mother, Edalyn Clawthorne, she could never successfully replicate a proper portal door like the one Eda used to own.

But she thought today would be the day, the day she could reunite with her Mother again and her newly "adopted" sister Vee again (Luz knew it actually official, but still sees Vee as a Sister). 

Ever since King had freed the Collector and with her and her friends help, they were able to negotiate a way where everyone in the Boiling Isles was safe and finally free from Belos' rule, she knew that the Collector had to know something about the Portal door.

But ever since giving up his powers to live a normal life his mind has been a bit fuzzy, so with the knowledge The Collector knows about plus the material needed to create a portal door, they went to work, but with since The Collector's mind is still fuzzy and can't remember in great detail, each attempt at a door has been a bust but some attempts had opened small portals to the human realm, big enough that a Palismen can fit through for a round trip. 

Luz, who is currently in the Head of the Titan is making the final adjustments on the portal, The Collector, who is mortal and is 14 years old, is there with her to help with the portal.

"Finally after 6 long years, I can reunite with my Mami and Hermana and tell them about how much I've grown" Luz said to herself. Luz thank the Collector for providing the knowledge on how to rebuild the portal. 

For the last time Luz, don't call me the collector, I like to go by the name Gabriel, Luz apologies. Sorry, I been so used to calling you The Collector, it might take time for me to adjust to calling you Gabriel, Luz explained.

No worries, even after 6 years of no powers, I'm still not fully adjusted to not having them, said Gabriel. Luz chimes in, Even though you made the hardest choice in giving up all your power to ensure the safety of all Witches and Demons, you also allowed yourself a second chance to live the life you want, one where you can have friends to play with and to play games with them that don't involve powers like moving a goddamn moon for example, Luz sheepishly said toward the end. 

After some adjustments, the portal is slowly becoming functional without any setbacks, it is still white, it trying to pinpoint a location in the human realm, Finally after so long, I never thought this day would come, but here I am, standing next to it.

Luz, then remembers, the promise she made to her Mother, She hesitated to go through, alone that is, Luz didn't want to go through without those closest to her, so she then asks Gabriel, Can you keep an eye on the portal to make sure nothing bad happens, I need to find Willow, Gus, Hunter, Amity, Eda and King to inform them of the portal. Gabriel nods.

Luz leaves the head to find them, but as soon as she is out of sight, he goes on to Penstagram, scrolling through people's feed, being so engrossed, he doesn't realise that the portal has finished pinpointing its location in the human realm and people are coming though the portal, a whole lot of them.

10 Minutes Prior, in the Human Realm

Vee Noceda just arrived to her homeroom at Gravesfield High, she was lucky that she sits next to her friends from Summer Camp, because apparently Luz had a reputation at School, a bad one at that, whenever Vee wasn't with Camila or her friends, she would get picked on by various bullies, sometimes it ranges from insults about her style or her choice of friends, to cruel elaborate pranks, even though "Luz" went to Reality Check Summer Camp.

Vee's, or in this case Luz's peers were not convinced that she changed. The bullies were different every time, there were a lot of them, but she couldn't remember all their names, but the ones that stood out to her that she can remember were Wynter (Human Willow), Bethany (Human Boscha) and Amber (Human Amity).  The only people who know about the bulling was her Cabin 7 friends.

They defend and protect her every chance they get, but there always times where they can't aid her, Vee doesn't blame them, they have their own lives.

After Vee had these encounters, she definitely regrets on not taking up Luz's offer on planning exit routes when approaching high schoolers for having and finally knows why Luz wanted to stay in the Demon Realm, but also realises that the bulling she receives is for Luz, she isn't Luz, should she tell Camila about this, but she doesn't want to cause any more tension between Luz and Camila, having realised her real daughter is in another realm was bad enough, but Camila decided to focus her attention on Vee, still having her live Luz's life.

Back to the situation at hand, as soon as Vee sat down at her desk, she was immediately bombarded with spitballs and insults, from her peers, luckily her friends had just arrived and intervened putting a stop.

Vee's closet friend, Masha (Tarot Girl), shouted, why do you keep bullying Luz, she hasn't done anything to any of you since she went to Summer Camp. Amber responds with a cold comeback; Once a Weirdo, always a Weirdo, that Luzer will never change. Camila had come to Vee's class to drop something off that Vee forgot, but immediately heard what had just gone down, she thought to herself.

"Was Luz always treated like this, no she would have told me, would she, I should have known, unless Luz didn't want to burden her with all this bullying, so she repressed those thoughts to protect herself and not be honest with me?". 

Camila knew she wouldn't make the mistake this time with Vee, she furiously burst into the homeroom instinctively brought out La Chancla and give these teens a hard lesson that they'll surely remember, but before she was about lay a hit on them, a white rectangular hue appeared right in front of their eyes. 

Principal Hal heard the commotion and went see what it was all about and also witness the white hue appearing out of thin air. The white hue soon showed what lied on the other end, a long, wide path that felt bare, but it wasn't at the same time, Camila and Vee gave each other a look, knowing what had just appeared, a portal to the Demon Realm.

Everyone was curious of what is on the other side, Principal Hal advised them to stay away from it, but like all teenagers, they electively ignore him and go through, Vee's friends included, Hal had to go through to make sure nothing bad happens.

Camila saw this as a chance to see her daughter again, but before she went through, she noticed Vee was hesitant in going back to the Demon Realm, but Camila ensured Vee that she is welcome in her home and considers her as a daughter, Vee felt happy that she was family and not a burden.

Camila ensures that to Vee I'll always be with you if anything bad does happen, I'll be there, your friends will be there, for you, Vee responds with But my friends don't know who I really am, will they accept me for who I am. 

Camila promises Vee that they'll accept her for who she is, Basilisk or Human, they'll accept her no matter what,  with that said Vee is ready to return to a place she vowed she'll never set foot on, she hold Camilla's hand and together, they step through the portal, unknowingly, everyone that entered the portal door had trapped themselves in a world far different from theirs.

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