Chapter Six: Humans Among Witches: Hexside Edition

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Day 4 In The Boiling Isles

Early Morning for a class of Gravesfield High students, today would be their first day at school? Except it really isn't since they already are attending a school, but they are in another dimension, never mind that. 

This day would mark an increase in humans learning about Magic and its uses since Luz Noceda, but a question did remain, what of the human adults, what would they do? Well, actually, Luz wanted Camila for something so she will be with Luz for the day and as for Hal, he would remain behind in the castle, he trying to swallow a hard pill, that pill being the events of the last few days, he just needs some time to process things.

Vee was skeptical, despite being in the open throughout her time here, she would have thought that the residents of the Boiling Isles would have caught on to the whole basilisk thing, but Luz did tell Vee quite recently that after the Day of Unity, Luz brought up the whole Basilisk situation amongst Eda and the CATTS and how Belos tortured them for what was likely the Draining Spell, they were on edge since they were basilisks, but Luz brings up the fact that they too were victims and shouldn't be mistreated.

Some time after, the residents of the Boiling Isles were now more accepting of Basilisks, even though they were only like 5 or 6 of them who were resurrected from extinction, including Vee. This does put Vee at ease, but, to her, The Human Realm, was her home now, even with what Luz did, she still calls Gravesfield, home. Luz understood that and let her be. Anyways, back to the main topic. 

Vee actually wanted to sit today out, but Luz did bring up an advantage of Glyph Magic, since humans can only learn that. Vee learning Glyph Magic would mean infinite fuel to keep her appearance and if Vee could somehow own a Palismen, then she could maintain looks in the human realm as well. Vee was enticed by this perk, meaning that she wouldn't need Hexes 'Hold'em Cards to keep her appearance did sound too good to be true. Vee was hesitant at first, but ultimately decided on going with the students to Hexside, at least her friends are there with her. Once that was said and done, Luz had a huge pile of uniforms next to her, the students asked, What's the uniform for? 

Luz responded with, What do you mean, this is what all witches at Hexside use, sure its grey now, but once you choose your tracks, they will color code to your respective tracks. The students weren't exactly used to uniform since their school in the human realm was not really a thing, I mean, most schools in America don't use uniforms. Anyways, Luz and Gravesfield High Students were in front of the castle, waiting for "The Boiling Isles" version of a school bus, which was two mice-worm hybrid creatures pulling a very long wagon, one that can fit an entire class of people, how convenient.

One Long Ride Later

Once the wagon arrived at Hexside, Luz and the GH Students got out and were now standing at the steps of Hexside, there was a lot of murmuring amongst the witches at Hexside, it was not common to see Humans attend here, those Witches only knew of one human who attended Hexside (based on school history that is) and she was standing right there.

Not too long after, the principal of the school came to greet Luz and Co, Principal Hieronymus Bump, granted the news was last minute, he was still accepting, if it wasn't for Luz's time here six years ago, things would have been different, in a bad way. Anyways Luz leaves the GH students in Bump's care and flies back to the Castle.

Bump and the GH Students walk through the hallway with Bump giving an abridged summary of what Hexside is, what it stands for and how its changed since Luz's arrival, some of the students were tired of hearing of Luz's impact on this world, they've heard it, so what, they still know her for one thing, they did think about leaking Luz's past to this world, but they had the common sense to think that they would sound crazy saying accusations like that and if they do invoke Luz in anyway, they could be kissing their only ticket back home.

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