Chapter Nine: Days of Trauma Past

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I don't know where to start, a lot has happened to me before I discovered the Boiling Isles, but to me, the loss of my Papi, really did affect me, I mean, I was pretty young when he passed away, but I wasn't as emotional since I really couldn't remember that day, it took me about 10 years to realise and come to terms with it. But now with all of you in my life, it never felt better, my only regret was that you never got to meet him, he'd would be thrilled to meet you, especially you Gus, Luz said.

But things do get worse, and you've already met worse, so prepare yourselves for Days of Trauma Past, Luz said. It all spiraled downhill not long after my Papi's funeral, I returned to school, at that point I was still the same Luz you see in front of me, just younger. 

Oh look, it's the weirdo, what a Luzer, this was said by a younger Amber. Young Luz ignored her and tried to go on with the day, some time passed, there were murmurs amongst the student body, they were aware of the reason of Luz's absence the last few days, but as the vile cruel kids they were they didn't give a damn, even if it was something that everyone could or will experience in their lifetime, soon enough someone said to Luz, Hey, I heard about your Dad, must have been your fault for why he is no longer in your life, clearly your weirdness was the cause of it.

Luz tried to ignore this, but nastier comments kept coming through like how they said her father was picking up Luz, knowing very well, for a bunch of 8/9 year old, they were the vilest and most toxic bunch of kids to grace the earth, their comment, they even run characters like Mr. Burns for a run of their money as the most toxic characters, or characters in this case to ever exist, wait, why am I using this as a parallel, anyways back to the story.

8-Year-old Luz was trying to hold it together, but eventually she couldn't take and punched Young Amber in the nose, she was soon sent to the principal's office. Camila got the call and came into the school, she was disappointed with Luz for doing that, Luz tries to explain why, but Camila doesn't want to hear anything about it (Camila was stressed, she was still coping the loss of her husband Manny, she wasn't herself, so her actions towards Luz then were a bit out of character, but all rooted from grief).

There was a lot of bullying towards Luz, whenever new students would join Gravesfield Middle School, the current students make their goal to inform them to stay away from Luz at all costs, sometimes they took their word, other ignored them and did try to befriend Luz, but Luz being herself would fumble the bag by being her and would soon be friendless once again. She did have one friend but was actually one of Luz's cousins from her father's side before her father passing, Manny's funeral was the last time Luz saw her cousin, they were distant at that point, but were still family, they moved to the west coast and still liver there to this day.

Some of the pranks Luz endured weren't extravagant, just your typical ones someone would expect, like slimed locker, the classic foot out to trip someone, sports balls over her, shoelace tie up, belongings stolen and never given back, false accusations, fake friends being set up by her peers to then humiliate her, physical abuse by the female bullies...........

Author: Wait, hold on, these aren't typical, harmless ones, this seems overkill, what kind of people would go out of their way to do this.... hold on, who's even writing all this and approving it......................................Oh right.......................................Continue on.........

Time passed, and the bullying did get worse, the only good thing from that was that they no longer use Luz's Father as a way to hurt her, but the bullying soon turned into pranks, at least for some of them, at this point, Luz had just been given a book from her late father, it was laying in some boxes for some time, but when Luz was given the book, this forever changed her, that book was the Good Witch Azura, Luz had used it as a way to cope with the grief and sometimes to channel out the insults, Luz soon created a fantasy for herself, whenever bullying or pranks happened, Luz would always resort to her fantasies, at this point it was safe, but as the years went on, her fantasies soon clashed with reality.

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