Chapter Four: A Tale of Two Luz's - Part Two

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Oh, right, before I start, all of you should have something to eat, luckily, we were able to get a bulk supply of Apple Blood (Non-Alcoholic Kind) and Griffin Eggs, Luz said. "Why Griffin eggs," Camila asked, while holding Lucia.

It is because there is not a lot of food here that humans can digest Griffin eggs is one of the few foods that humans can digest. That and it is what I had to eat when I first arrived and never really tried anything else that I could digest.

The Human are not complaining, anything they can digest is fine with them, regardless of what it is, so with some help from Eda and the Hexsquad, they portioned out some griffin eggs and Non-Alcoholic Apple Blood. As for Vee, Luz asked Eda to bring as many Hexes Hold'em cards she could find, luckily, she had enough for Vee to get by for a couple of days.

The Humans were now settled with their eggs and apple blood. Anyways, now that everyone is settled, let us truly begin. Luz said.

It all started about 6 months ago for you guys (Luz referring to the Humans + Vee), but for me it was about 6 1/2 Years ago, I am sure some of you will remember this day, and being myself, I have decided to call this day A Lying Witch and a Warden, or to easily separate them, I will refer to them as episodes. The humans were simply dumbfounded by what Luz decided to call that fateful day, Luz assured them that they would understand once she finished telling the backstory.

After the whole Snakes and Fireworks debacle, the school advised my Mami that I should be signed up for Camp Reality Check, as Luz said that she gives a death to Principal Hal for encouraging something like that to her Mami and herself, Hal was about to fire back, but decided to keep his mouth shut. Anyways, as I was waiting for the bus, this little guy (Luz then proceed to call Owlbert, he detaches from Eda staff and perches on Luz's shoulder) comes up and takes my Good Witch Azura Book, Amber interrupts, You still read that garbage literature. Amity chimes in, shut it Blondie or I will seal your mouth shut with my Abomination Goo. Amber then shuts up.

Thanks, Batata, Luz said, now, without any more interruptions, back to the story at hand. 

I followed Owlbert through the old cabin in the woods, but what I did not realise was that I had accidentally entered another world, that world being the world you are in right now. I had caught up to Owlbert, but I quickly realise that my surrounding was completely new, I soon stumble upon Eda, The Owl Lady, it was not until Eda revealed herself, was then I realised that I am in another world.

(From here, Luz recaps the remaining events of A Lying Witch and a Warden, same playthrough as the Canon one) Once Luz was done recapping Day One, she allowed the humans to process the info, The Humans now understand why Luz called it A Lying Witch and a Warden, they were intrigued that every myth they know in the human realm was bits of the Demon Realm leaking over into their world.

They were really shocked to learn that Giraffes originated from the Demon Realm, which explains why they have long necks. They (referring to the students + Hal, not including Cabin 7, Vee, and Camila for some parts) also chuckled and laughed at Luz's misfortune during that 'episode' and, no surprise there, Luz was not fazed by this since she knew their exact outcome to begin with by using Oracle Magic.

Luz was expecting that the students would not want more, but to her surprise, they did want more, so she continued. Luz then continues to retell the events of Witches before Wizards, all the way up until Wing it like Witches, it was long, about 2 1/2 Hours to be precise.

What the humans learn from Luz's storytelling is both terrifying, interesting, and oddly enough, unpredictable. They learn that the place they are trapped in is formally called The Boiling Isles, which all rest on a dead corpse the inhabitants call the Titan.

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