Part One

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Hello everyone...

I was just going through the synopsis of books to read and more than most had the heroine as a mistress, and I somehow got this idea. So, I thought why not, finally write the second story in the mistress duology. And this is a classic Mills & Boons story.

Don't really like the book cover, anyone wants to make one for this story?


This is not angsty/intense like Beauty & The Beast. This is more of a M&B typical story.

Has a little mature content.

Madhu was listening to her lecture when she hears the barest of the beep sound. Her heart skips a beat as only Rishabh's number had an exception even when silent. She takes her mobile under the table and checks the message.

Come out.

Heart slamming against her chest, she quickly messages him.

I am in class.

A second after he had read the message, her mobile starts to ring. She quickly cuts the call.

Okay, I'm coming.

She checks the time, and realizes that there was 5 more minutes of lecture left. Knowing, he wouldn't wait for five minutes, stuffing her book into her bag and grabbing her bag, Madhu runs to the head of the class. Her lecturer looks at her with a frown.

"Toilet." Madhu whispers with fake urgency.

Lecturer nods and Madhu runs out. She kept running through the corridor, the stairs and kept running as she ran out of her college, and turned the corner where he usually waited for her, away from the immediate notice of the people from her college. she stops near his car, and gets in.

As she gasped to catch her breath, he starts the car. Madhu takes her water bottle and drinks from it. They drove in silence as he took her to the apartment that he kept for her.

Rishabh opens the door and walks in as he dropped his coat on the couch carelessly. Madhu turns and locks the door. she turns back to look at him and sees him loosening his tie as he walked to the bar and took a bottle and filled a drink for him.

He didn't offer her a drink. He had offered her only once, and she had told him that she was teetotaler, and after that he never offered her a drink.

Feeling his gaze on her as he sipped his drink, Madhu leaves her bag on the couch and walks to him. as she walked around the counter, he turns to face her.

Madhu stops near him. she gently starts removing his tie. As she slid it off his neck, her attention, turned to his chest. She starts unbuttoning his shirt, as she moved closer to him, her body brushing against his. As she opened the shirt partially, she leans and kisses his neck as she slid her hand inside his shirt, caressing his chest.

Madhu gasps when Rishabh holds her by her hair as he turned her head to face him.

"You're hurting me." Madhu whispers.

He doesn't let go, but eases his hold on her and leans down and takes her lips in his hungrily.

Madhu kisses him back in equal passion as she impatiently tried to remove his shirt. Rishabh lets go off her, so she can remove his shirt. Once she had his shirt removed, her hands move to his pants. Rishabh pulls her kurta and they part for a few seconds as he got rid of her kurta.

Rishabh picks up Madhu and walks to the bedroom as they got rid of each other's clothes. He falls on the bed with Madhu beneath him. Rishabh lets go off her lips and moves down her body. Madhu lies back, as she enjoyed his erotic kisses.

Madhu gasps loudly as she orgasmed. "Rishabh..." Madhu whispers as she tried to calm her raising heart.

Knowing she would need a few minutes after she orgasmed, Rishabh crawls up and lies partially on her and partially on the bed.

Feeling Madhu gently pushing him, Rishabh rolls over and Madhu moves on top of him as she kissed down his body.

Unable to wait anymore, Rishabh pulls up Madhu and rolls over her as he spread her thighs and enters her.

Madhu moans feeling herself full, feeling his fullness in her.

Rishabh sighs in pleasure feeling her tightness. Then he starts moving against her.

Madhu meets his thrusts as she moved against him. they frantically moved against each other till they both came together.

Seeing Rishabh light a cigarette, Madhu rolls to him and lies on his chest. Rishabh absentmindedly, wraps his hand around her and gently caresses her shoulder.

Madhu draws on his chest with a finger.

Rishabh with the cigarette still in his hand, keeps his hand on top of hers for a second and takes it off. understanding the silent comment, she stops her doodling.

"I'll go?" Madhu asks him as she looked up at him.

Leaving his cigarette in his lips, Rishabh grabs his pants from the floor and takes his mobile out. Seeing that, Madhu gets up from the bed and starts to wear her clothes.

Rishabh leaned up and rested against the headrest as he booked uber for her. then leaning back, he watched her dress. Madhu walks to the dressing table and brushes her hair. It was a mess and it took a lot of effort to make it look presentable. She ties her hair in a tight bun finally.

Hearing the mobile ring, she realized that her ride was here.

"Okay bye." Madhu tells Rishabh as she started to hurry out of the room.


"Yes?" Madhu turns to him curiously.

"Next time, don't give me excuses." Rishabh tells her.

Madhu hesitates and tells him, "Nowadays, you are calling me almost every day."

"And that is a problem because?" Rishabh asks her frowning.

"I've classes and all. My friends are asking me where I keep going off to."

"What was the deal?" Rishabh asks her getting angry.

Madhu bites her lips nervously.

"I am waiting."

"Apart from the time I am with my parents and at home, you can call me anytime." Madhu tells him.

"Next time, no excuses." Rishabh orders her.

Madhu nods and leaves.

End of Part One

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- Lazy

Rishabala FF : Mistress Duology 2 - Mistress of His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now