Part Two

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Madhu let the water flow through her as she took her shower waiting for the guilt to engulf her. lately, her guilt was for her lack of guilt in selling herself to Rishabh. all her feelings and emotions were getting clouded by the passion she finds in his arms and the passion he finds in hers.

Madhu sighs as she grabbed the towel and started wiping down her body. Noticing a love bite, Madhu gently runs her finger over it. she couldn't help remember the first time, she had found a hickey on her breast and how she had panicked as she tried to rubbed it off, fearing someone would see it, even though it was not even likely for anyone else other than Rishabh to see it. now, instead of panic, she felt her cheeks burn with a blush as she remembered how she had got it.

It's been more than 6 months since she agreed to be Rishabh's mistress, and at times, she would look at herself in wonder, thinking how she had let it come to this.

It had been the time when she had to join college and she had seen how her father was struggling to get an educational loan for her. her father being a supervisor at a construction firm, they had been living on meager funds. He had even contemplated on doing a second job. She had vehemently stopped him from that as the construction work was already affecting his health.

It was that time; someone had mentioned that Rishabh's company hired students from the colleges to work part time in his company, as a part of their head hunting process. She had approached him for a job. After listening to her silently as she explained her situation, he had offered to sponsor her full course if she were to become his mistress. She had been so horrified and shocked, she had run out of there.

She had given upon her studies and was trying to find a job but her father insisted on her to continue her studies as he went from bank to bank and money lenders to money lenders. Her parents weren't educated much, and because of that, their only dream was that she be educated, and she have a college degree.

One day, she had happened to overhear her parents speaking and heard her father mention that someone offered him money for a kidney of his. As her mother pleaded him not to even consider such an option, she had panicked and ran to Rishabh.

The next day, as promised Rishabh had got her admission ready at the best college in the city and that afternoon, she lost her virginity to him.

Now, her parents believe that Rishabh's company is sponsoring her education as a part of their charity program.

Hearing her phone vibrate, Madhu switches off the alarm and opening her bag, she takes the birth control pills and have it.

"What are you having?" Padmini asks her curiously.

"Huh? This?" Madhu asks as she turned away from her. "Remember I used to have knee pain... these are calcium tablets."

"Oh, give me also one. Even I have knee pain." Padmini tells her.

"What? No." Madhu panics as she quickly shoved the bottle into her bag.

"Why?" Padmini asks confused.

"You need to see a doctor and they will give you the dosage you need. You might not need as much as me or you might need more than me."

"But when did you see a doctor?" Padmini asks confused.

"Er... er... There was a medical camp. Free checkup, so, I just went there."

"Why didn't you tell me? even I would have come." Padmini pouts.

"It was for college students only." Madhu lies, hoping her mother wouldn't ask her anymore questions.

"Hmmm... but your medicine is getting over. what will you do after that?"

"Yeah I know... I'll check the medical store, if it is cheap I'll get another bottle."

"Ask baba for the money." Padmini tells her as she lovingly patted her shoulder and left.

Madhu sighs sadly as she watched her mother leave.


Where are you?

Seeing the message, Madhu quickly replies.

At the hospital.

Hearing her mobile ring, she answers the call seeing that it was Rishabh.

"Hello, Rishabh?"

"All okay?" Rishabh asks her from the other end.

"Yeah... all fine."

"Why are you at the hospital?"

Madhu looks around, seeing the other patients, she turns and whispers into the phone. "My birth control pills are getting over. so, I came to get a refill."

"Oh okay. How long will you take?"

"I guess half an hour. Why?

"send me your location." Rishabh tells her and hangs up.

Madhu felt an excitement fill her as she realized that he was coming for her. she quickly shares her location with him.

"You have been on the pill continuously and haven't had your periods in months. I would suggest that you go off your pills for a while."

Madhu nods.


Seeing him drive in, Madhu hurries and steps out. He stops the car and Madhu quickly gets in.

"Got it?" Rishabh asks as he started driving.

"You'll have to use condoms for some time." Madhu tells him as she explained what the doctor told her as she took the bill and extended towards him.

"Just tell me the total amount, I'll transfer it." Rishabh tells her.

"Okay." Madhu crumbles up the bill to throw it away as she told him the amount.

Hearing the amount, Rishabh grabs his wallet, and pulls out the money and gives it to her. "It's so bloody cheap." He whispers softly.

"Consultation fee." Madhu explains as she took the money.

"Is the hospital good?" Rishabh asks confused because the one he visits when he is sick charged ten times more.


Rishabh nods. "How long?"

"Maybe a month or two."

"No, for how long do you've your currents pills?"

"A week."

Rishabh nods. "Anyway, I'll be not here for two weeks after this week. Will get condoms when I get back."

"Where are you going?" Madhu asks shocked at her heart breaking at the thought of not seeing him.

"Work." Rishabh replies.


"What hmmm?" Rishabh asks frowning.

Madhu shakes her head as she looked out as she wondered why she felt like she would miss him when he would be away.

"Anyway, spent your time with your friends the two weeks I am not here. Don't be making any excuses when I come back."

Madhu couldn't help her blush and smile. Maybe it was not just her who was going to miss him, maybe even he knew he was going to miss her.

End of Part Two

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- Lazy

Rishabala FF : Mistress Duology 2 - Mistress of His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now